Holy fucking fuckface


A poet.... Jesus, that explains a lot. You arty farty academic "intellectual" types are insufferable.

I have already answered your question. Religious Jews definitely have a superiority complex because of the teachings in their holy scriptures.

However, atheist Jews can often have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish and still part of the clique, as it were.
What religious Jews? any of the several I mentioned? (and who often despise one another)
..and would you say they are different in that regard from the White evangelicals who are trying to force their (superior) views on all of us through control of the SCOTUS, or
just Whites in general who
have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish White and still part of the clique, as it were.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
A poet.... Jesus, that explains a lot. You arty farty academic "intellectual" types are insufferable.

I have already answered your question. Religious Jews definitely have a superiority complex because of the teachings in their holy scriptures.

However, atheist Jews can often have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish and still part of the clique, as it were.
What religious Jews? any of the several I mentioned? (and who often despise one another)
..and would you say they are different in that regard from the White evangelicals who are trying to force their (superior) views on all of us through control of the SCOTUS, or
just Whites in general who
have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish White and still part of the clique, as it were.
You've left that Council Flat Fop bewitched, bothered and bewildered, he's retreated to the shout box, where he screams at the clouds.


A poet.... Jesus, that explains a lot. You arty farty academic "intellectual" types are insufferable.

I have already answered your question. Religious Jews definitely have a superiority complex because of the teachings in their holy scriptures.

However, atheist Jews can often have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish and still part of the clique, as it were.
What religious Jews? any of the several I mentioned? (and who often despise one another)
..and would you say they are different in that regard from the White evangelicals who are trying to force their (superior) views on all of us through control of the SCOTUS, or
just Whites in general who
have similar views due to the fact that they regard themselves as being Jewish White and still part of the clique, as it were.
You've left that Council Flat Fop bewitched, bothered and bewildered, he's retreated to the shout box, where he screams at the clouds.
Yeah, I saw that.
. You know, it makes me sad.
I have a vision of his mother
. a good and loving woman,
. doing her best to guide her son,
but in spite of her best efforts
she raised an idjit.

.Makes one weep.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The vast majority of Jews consider themselves Jewish first and foremost. It trumps (no pun intended) any other kind of racial, ethnic or religious identity they may have.

What does that tell you?
..and each and every one consider themselves collectively superior to all other people. Is that right?

Not necessarily, but their religion definitely teaches that and atheist Jews still identify as being Jewish and espouse Jewish values.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?


Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

So you have no clue.

No worries, I suspected as much....


Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

So you have no clue.

No worries, I suspected as much....
You know, if this is such an important issue,
if these people must be stopped before they take over the world
...why don't you DO something about it?


FairyAnn's mom surely did tell him that it was better to take action to promote a desired goal
..rather than to sit in a corner crying and bitching,

but he didn't listen
so here he is wailing about the Jews.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
FairyAnn's mom surely did tell him that it was better to take action to promote a desired goal
..rather than to sit in a corner crying and bitching,

but he didn't listen
so here he is wailing about the Jews.
He's seems obsessed over the Jews, he must have been bullied by the Jews as a young boy, I wonder if they raped him?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

So you have no clue.

No worries, I suspected as much....
Seriously, what is the meaning of your red jammies, is it Halloween in Scotland already?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

So you have no clue.

No worries, I suspected as much....
You know, if this is such an important issue,
if these people must be stopped before they take over the world
...why don't you DO something about it?

That's like saying why don't you actually go out and do something about Trump and "CONS"...

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Actually, I just got bored replying to you geriatric homos, particularly old holly and his incoherent nonsense.

Anyways, I'll briefly play along....

I am of course referring to the Talmud, have either of you old queens ever took a peak at what these people think about us non-Jews?
Yes, and I'm completely obsessed by it.
. I can't sleep nights,
can't eat.
. It consumes me.
It rules my every thought. LoLz

So you have no clue.

No worries, I suspected as much....
Seriously, what is the meaning of your red jammies, is it Halloween in Scotland already?

I'm English, you walking HIV receptacle.

It's a CP Company goggle jacket. Not that I expect someone like you to be familiar with the brand.