James O'Keefe(former Project Veritas) Shipped Out Hundreds Of OMG Cameras For Citizen Produced Stories


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I want to love this.

But now with AI tech I feel strongly that shits gonna even more unhinged quickly and we will just get even farther from any truth.

I guess let's see how it goes lol.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
If the establishment wants a surveillance state the least we can do is make sure they're included.

If any shenanigans happen it'll be in the editing stage.
As long as raw footage isn't shaped to distort the context it's a good thing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If the establishment wants a surveillance state the least we can do is make sure they're included.

If any shenanigans happen it'll be in the editing stage.
As long as raw footage isn't shaped to distort the context it's a good thing.

I watched people claim Project V footage was edited even after forensic experts said it wasn't because they don't want to critisize Planned Parenthood.

And it's like....okay you support legal abortion. But you are supposed to be supporting WOMEN by supporting legal abortion, right? Those who do support it claim they are "pro woman". I do believe those people do exist....I know some great feminists (real ones) who are favor of legal abortion.

So wouldn't you wanna hold these fucking places to SOME standard rather than fighting hard to make them so "accessible" that it is basically looser than the back ally abortions from the fucking 50s?! I mean they fight safety regulations, full disclosure and informed consent and guards put in place to protect women and girls. I can't even watch anymore since they started offering pill abortions via the mail and fighting for laws that protect abortion clinics OVER the patient.

That is all going from bad to worse

My POINT was those already set in their beliefs cannot be swayed even with raw footage. They still sit there and claim its edited or staged or whatever they need to tell themselves to continue their narratives and protect their minds from the realities. And it's really fucking scary and sad.

But yeah...let's see how this goes lol