MKULTRA, remote neural monitoring, targeted individuals, Voice2Skull technology etc


Factory Bastard
So we know that evil people rule the world and keep the masses hypnotized and running along their masterfully crafted assembly line, turning them into what is called "machine society", the amalgamation of everyone's physical and mental output into this system I call "the program", the civilization that we live within, they use you to keep it running and moving towards a certain direction.
Now when you wake up and even worse, threaten the system, the Godhead (because I believe this runs deeper than oligarchs, this is simply a system devised by reality to keep us locked within the confines of existence so we play our part of the cosmic evolutionary ladder) sends its soldiers after you, these little amoeba are known to us as "CIA niggers" aka the intelligence agencies.
The intelligence agencies are the little ants that make sure the colony keeps running, if you were to free your fellow ant people and gather them together to kill the queen ant, then that bitch would do anything in its power to ensure that doesn't happen, that's what CIA niggers are.
I myself, maybe not directly, but with their A.I. systems, believe that I have come so close to destroying the program that Godhead actually went out of its way to attack me.
A few years ago, after lots of meditation, virtual reality and nonstop marijuana use, I started feeling as though my mind was expanding and my perception and intelligence were becoming endless, post-human and etc I was unlocking not only the full potential of my biological capabilities, but going beyond that and entering the realm of trans-reality, I was projecting my psyche beyond the confines of this existence ... this obvious threatened TPTB and so I believe, with their space based satellite A.I. systems, they targeted me for harassment in an effort to demoralize and weaken me.
I started hearing things, they obviously were monitoring my thoughts, they were editing my dreams, at some point I think they sent agents after me in the physical realm but either they were so threatened by me that they wanted it to appear benign, or they think I'm incapable of taking them down so they didn't go after me too harshly.
My smartphone had been bugged and I know this couldn't be the work of paid trolls in a warehouse somewhere (such as tel aviv) because immediately as I would begin to record an audio log of my thoughts, something would appear in my recordings, like people speaking over me (I'm not lying and once I fix my audio driver I'll upload some clips to here to prove this) or voices reacting to whatever I was saying.
I crashed a few CIA nigger psyop threads on /pol/ trolling them in audio, uploaded to vocaroo, so I think that could have been the start of the bugging of my phone.
They have also targeted my nervous system, causing me to have muscle spasms in certain areas of my body ... such as one time when I was in California my right cheek started spasming and as I looked to my right some guy with a harley davidson t-shirt starts running out from the alley just as I look towards that direction, then later I saw the same guy again in the downtown area.
In that same city they sent a couple niggers after me in an attempted assassination, if I didn't drive off in a hury one of them would have shot me, I had dabbed that night so I was pretty blazed but 100% I'm sure I saw a gun in the nigger's hand.
This is only the beginning though, I'm not going to stop until their entire system is destroyed and their entire bloodlines killed, mark my words.

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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ok hiko, how can I get involved? The wife's over at the neighbors so I can pretty much go wild

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
I just can't stand fake or dishonest people. I get it everyone lies about some shit but there is shit you just don't lie about. oh and people who choose to be dumb jfc.