Watching the "Cancel Culture Whiners", Cancel Culture.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Plenty of local small business to get cheese from.

They need and deserve more business then these corporate pricks.

I dont really buy any of these brands and I'm good.....I dont go to their pages either. No point in giving them more attention.

What are saying with this post? That these corporations are better than the little guy and that it's funny to see them saying "we own the whole cheese market so good luck biiiootch!!"?

Are you supposed to be against this sort of thing?
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Put your glasses on!
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To bring down the Giants, simply hurt them in the pocket!!!

This goes for EVERYTHING! Including Big Tech!!!

Tea Party Time!!!!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
To bring down the Giants, simply hurt them in the pocket!!!

This goes for EVERYTHING! Including Big Tech!!!

Tea Party Time!!!!
It is very sad that you hate the Capitalist System you claim to support, but retard is what retard does. Quick Question for you Rocket Surgeon, what did the Boston Tea Vendors do after their fresh inventory was destroyed? Cue revisionist history response in, 3,2,1..and go!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
To bring down the Giants, simply hurt them in the pocket!!!

This goes for EVERYTHING! Including Big Tech!!!

Tea Party Time!!!!
It is very sad that you hate the Capitalist System you claim to support, but retard is what retard does. Quick Question for you Rocket Surgeon, what did the Boston Tea Vendors do after their fresh inventory was destroyed? Cue revisionist history response in, 3,2,1..and go!

Corporate crony capitalism is not the free market capitalism we support.

You guys always misrepresent what our actual positions are and you just make assumptions and name call.

You present this false dichotomy that it's either socailism and more government regulations or its corporate crony capitalism and those are the only options.

I have yet to see any leftist actually understand the positions they oppose. If people do not agree with everything you believe, they are a racist establishment Republican....period. There is no nuance, no room for any actual dialog. You make enemies out of regular people without taking the time to understand them.

What's even more bizzare is that you guys call actual democracy an "enemy of democracy" and consider yourselves liberals while actively trying to forcibly stomp out and penalize and opposition to any of your stances.

Like this meme. You think it's funny to see big corporations fucking up the little guy and being dickheads to someone speaking up. They basically said "neener neener....good luck getting cheese without us and fuck you!". That's supposed to he the shit you oppose....but you guys violate your own supposed values in favor of ridiculous partisan hackery.
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Factory Bastard
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Actually he is pretty centrist and leans left on many issues. If you'd bothered to watch it you might know that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Actually he is pretty centrist and leans left on many issues. If you'd bothered to watch it you might know that.

They are so dogmatic and invested in their misrepresentations.

Anyone disagreeing with them is horrible and stupid and a alt right extremist "danger to democracy".