You Transphobes!!!!

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are


Factory Bastard
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You’ve never been through puberty as a female, never had a period, never been pregnant, never had post natal depression, will never go through the menopause, you know why ? Cos your a fucking bloke that’s why. So if a bloke don’t want to date you cos your actually a bloke yourself, they’re condemned to hell, what a load of ole bollocks, they won’t be happy until the whole world is gay or some shit, you can’t even open your mouth these days, well if you have the freedom to walk round looking like a cunt, then I’ve got the freedom to say what I please.


Domestically feral
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United states

They use people like Dylan Mulvaney to make the trans thing look like it's no big deal. But these are the men exposing themselves to women and girls in female spaces.

If this were just about people with actual gender dysphoria who have decided on their own as adults after therapy and all other attempts at relieving their distress to one would have a problem. In fact these very people have been using female spaces the entire time. We dont need laws for them to have access.

But it's not about them. In fact the gender cult attacks "trans medicalists". They call them "true scum". Because they want to push this cult belief that this is just as normal as sexuality and race....and it's not. It's a mental disorder. And now it's considered "conversion therapy" to do anything but transition them right away. That's like telling anorexics they really are fat and giving them diet pills.

And as a result we now include these autogynophiles, who have a fetish and who are predatory.....under the transgender umbrella.

The kind of men harming women and girls in our spaces are the guys who look like the ones in this meme. They look like gross and creepy pervert men dressed as women. It's a sexual fetish that activists are using law to force us to participate in.

And women of all races, all politcal backgrounds are unified to push back on this but people like and Admin and Oak are only able to view the world through a "left vs right" lense.


Domestically feral
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United states
By the way this whole rapey narrative that people who wont date or sleep with transwomen has been a big problem.

The biggest target has been lesbians who reject the idea that biological males can be lesbians. They push and bully lesbians to accept "girl penis" and if lesbians defend themselves on the basis of their sexuality and reaffirm that its homosexual and has nothing to do with "gender identity" they are terfs. The new church's way of branding "witch".

They call this the "Cotton ceiling". Gay people call it "conversion therapy 2.0".

It's such a male thing to push themselves into places they are not wanted and to try to find ways to make lesbians fuck men.

Instead dying off....this whole concept has gotten more aggressive. These gender cultists recruit and brainwash minors and young people. So gay people formed the LGB Alliance in response to the trans movement taking over the lgbtq...they dont like the "Q" either. They call them spicey straights who wanna be part of it.

It hasnt been about gay rights for a long time now. Gay people have the rights they wanted. Now it's about attacking the rights of others.


Domestically feral
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United states
You’ve never been through puberty as a female, never had a period, never been pregnant, never had post natal depression, will never go through the menopause, you know why ? Cos your a fucking bloke that’s why. So if a bloke don’t want to date you cos your actually a bloke yourself, they’re condemned to hell, what a load of ole bollocks, they won’t be happy until the whole world is gay or some shit, you can’t even open your mouth these days, well if you have the freedom to walk round looking like a cunt, then I’ve got the freedom to say what I please.

All of our civil rights and protections we have as women were fought for and hard won and entirely based on our BIOLOGY. Not some idiotic "gender identity".

But males can just force themselves into it all and its US who have to lose....not just our spaces, but our opportunities and the language we have to refer to our unique biology. Woman is not legally defined anymore. Men decided it was an identity and just like is. Women are being displaced by males taking opportunities for scholarships and such. Taking domestic violence shelters. Et.

And the mindless morons who support this actually want to convince the rest of us that MALES are "marginalized". If they perform gender stereotypes associated with women, they are now "marginalized" and wr have to move over.

Have we EVER seen any sort of civil rights movement where the group was basically worshipped by every institution like this? Once again .....WOMEN cant even be HEARD. Women have to face hatred and attacks just to speak on our own issues. And males are now calling themselves women and getting to speak for women.

The people supporting this are more offended by Kanye Wests mental decline then they are about Balenciaga. So. There you go.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
By the way this whole rapey narrative that people who wont date or sleep with transwomen has been a big problem.

The biggest target has been lesbians who reject the idea that biological males can be lesbians. They push and bully lesbians to accept "girl penis" and if lesbians defend themselves on the basis of their sexuality and reaffirm that its homosexual and has nothing to do with "gender identity" they are terfs. The new church's way of branding "witch".

They call this the "Cotton ceiling". Gay people call it "conversion therapy 2.0".

It's such a male thing to push themselves into places they are not wanted and to try to find ways to make lesbians fuck men.

Instead dying off....this whole concept has gotten more aggressive. These gender cultists recruit and brainwash minors and young people. So gay people formed the LGB Alliance in response to the trans movement taking over the lgbtq...they dont like the "Q" either. They call them spicey straights who wanna be part of it.

It hasnt been about gay rights for a long time now. Gay people have the rights they wanted. Now it's about attacking the rights of others.

It's such a monumental clusterfuck, Clown world in all it's glory.

Thanks jews! Weimar 2.0 is great!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
^^Just a reminder that this guy is originally from San Francisco.

No doubt he's been seeing this shit since he was a kid back in the 1940's and believes it's normal...

Get real amigo. I haven’t been stuck in Liverpool all my life. Plus I’m not a pube shaver like most homosexuals from SF. Maybe you need to rethink that habit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The worst homophobia I've ever seen is this gender cult shit.

Parents are turning their gay sons into "straight girls" and their lesbian daughters are becoming "straight boys". And if that wasnt bad enough now gay people are expected to accept the opposite sex as the same sex and be willing to date and fuck them.

This is shit is a problem on every level.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Antifa loves to attack female journalists because they are cowards.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
^^Just a reminder that this guy is originally from San Francisco.

No doubt he's been seeing this shit since he was a kid back in the 1940's and believes it's normal...

Listen to the doorman who shaves his pubes. Just like the boys of SF. Strange habit for a dude Scouse. Think you’ll ever come out of the closet? Promise I won’t judge you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Pointing out terrible people who are trying to bully folks into dating them against their will is just community service. Sorry, but your troll is weak. Yes, would be abusers should be pointed out, mocked, and other people warned about them.

I have noticed you seem very interested in defending them though. Why is that?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wow, this shit really bothers you. I couldn’t care less. Obviously you have to think twice about it.

I want you to consider this. My oldest is a lesbian. She just started college and she will likely transfer to uni after her associate level degree.

This mentality about gender is pretty popular in universities. Today young women even have to share accommodations with males who say they are women. And they expect to be accepted as lesbians.

Young lesbians are terrified of these people because drawing this boundary is treated as bigotry and transphobia. This is forcing young gay people back into a closet.

Homosexuals are attracted to same SEX partners. Not gender identities. Do you see the conflict here?

You dont have to say anything. I just want you to consider what I'm saying and try to understand my deep need to defend my daughters. This shouldnt be politcal at all but sadly it is. A lot of people on the left and in the LGBT were the first to start pushing back on this.....its only recently become seen as "right wing".

Lesbians being targeted and called terfs has been going on. These TRAs(trans rights activists) frequently call for violence and death to lesbians who simply do not want to be forced and bullied to accept biological males as partners.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Yes. Altering the fabric of our reality and coercing language and forcing society to accept this and then calling people who draw reasonable boundaries "conservatives" and mocking their boundaries IS something you guys enjoy.
YourDaughter as you tell it is a lesbain, and you seem OK with that, a generation or so ago the gays were considered criminally insane and treated as such. Today the gays are enjoying much more freedom and acceptance than in centuries. Wake up and smell the coffee, your Daughter is living in a time of progression that is more willing to let her be who she is than ever, and yet places like Florida are trying to make it verboten for educators from even acknowledge the question or classroom discussion.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
YourDaughter as you tell it is a lesbain, and you seem OK with that, a generation or so ago the gays were considered criminally insane and treated as such. Today the gays are enjoying much more freedom and acceptance than in centuries. Wake up and smell the coffee, your Daughter is living in a time of progression that is more willing to let her be who she is than ever, and yet places like Florida are trying to make it verboten for educators from even acknowledge the question or classroom discussion.

My daughter is living in a time where she can be seriously attacked, lose her job, be subjected to violence for not accepting a biological male as a lesbian.

How the fuck is forcing homosexuals to accept opposite sex partners letting them be who they are, Admin?

Do you understand what homosexuality is?

Have you looked at this issue? Really looked at it and looked at the impact this is having?

Have you noticed the amount of destranitioners who were led to believe they were trans when in reality they were just gay?

There is a HUGE difference between a persons sexual orientation and a person who mentally believes they are not the biological sex they were born as. What connection do you think exists there?

Seriously can you explain what connection gender dysphoria has to sexual orientation? Do you NOT see the conflict here how this is deeply harmful to homosexual people? The entire point of homosexuality is they are attracted to the same SEX.

My own well as MANY lesbians are clearly speaking out on this. Are you listening?

We have gone BACKWARDS back to when women did not have civil rights and protections, our own accommodations.....and backwards to when people would be bullied, harrassed and attacked for NOT wanting to sleep with or date members of the opposite sex. If you cant plainly see are choosing to be blind. This is the opposite of progress.