Fuck Israel, Fuck Genocide Joe!!! We're taking our war stuff and going home!

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
My rule #1:

Anyone who thinks the likes of Biden and Hillary are "lefties" isn't here for rational discourse.

Just sayin'.
It nice that you can think that way………but look at the record of each and the impact they had or wished to have………

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This seems like an easy read

Clinton and her health care plan………pushing for equity no?
The Clinton’s and the crime bill……..classification of a group to further their agenda…….remember that?

Biden‘s administration mandating aspects environmental and business…….

Both placed and continue to place international interest over that of the US.

Both push progressive ideals that not only need to be equal in their view compared to traditional values, but those conservative values and the right to hold them need to be negated, stripped away so that their agenda ……..the agenda of those they rely on for support and votes back them gets pushed forward.

I have read your opinion before, and I have posted why they are Lefties……..convince me they are not.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
You obviously missed my point. Dumbass.
You know Dum-Dum…..Go back and read your reference again…….Did the US really reneg on their commitments……or were many of the examples never ratified?

But, But, But……Trump…..had to be front and center to gain the attention of US bashers …….

Treaty of Versailles

”In fact, the US didn’t formally end its war against Germany and the former Austro-Hungarian empire until 1921”

Iinternational Labor Treaty
“The agreement was signed
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, including the US, and entered in full effect in 1950. However, the
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(pdf).l………..You see, only the US government gets to enter into treaties…….for example……..Gore signed the Kyoto Accord……he had no authority to do so, and it was never ratified as a treaty…..get it?

Geneva Convention
” Although the US participated in the conference and negotiations, it eventually refused to sign. However, it did agree to respect the ceasefire.”

As a matter of fact……..I think all the examples made remain unratified……..did you read the article?

Here is something I guess they left out in your poly-sci class

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Ratification defines the international act whereby a state indicates its consent to be bound to a treaty if the parties intended to show their consent by such an act. In the case of bilateral treaties, ratification is usually accomplished by exchanging the requisite instruments, while in the case of multilateral treaties the usual procedure is for the depositary to collect the ratifications of all states, keeping all parties informed of the situation. The institution of ratification grants states the necessary time-frame to seek the required approval for the treaty on the domestic level and to enact the necessary legislation to give domestic effect to that treaty.

Anyway…..I hope this helped…..I’m here to help

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Well, it's sobering to think the likes of those jokers are still roaming around here. Yikes! Gadzukes!
LOL ……what do you want LB?………a nice little safe space for you and other bedwetters?
Rest you little head…….I am no one that has been banned or an alt……..I am

The Atomic Punk



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Perhaps you've heard of an
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Or maybe this will help illustrate what's happened to 'Murica's political spectrum:


Even Obama said he would have, not long ago, been labeled a moderate republican.

If definitions can be changed on a whim they're not definitions... they're temporarily assigned meanings and are only relevant in their immediate contexts, not useful for broader analysis.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
What are the consequences?

It's not as if there were any consequences from walking away from treaties with indigenous Americans for example.
The reality is many treaties were broken due to violence initiated by the tribes……..also……..much of the strife came from expansion, and the inability to adapt to new trade and practices…….unfortunate, but yet that’s the way a lot of it went down……not all, but it was in many cases


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Perhaps you've heard of an
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Or maybe this will help illustrate what's happened to 'Murica's political spectrum:


Even Obama said he would have, not long ago, been labeled a moderate republican.

If definitions can be changed on a whim they're not definitions... they're temporarily assigned meanings and are only relevant in their immediate contexts, not useful for broader analysis.
Would one of you Political Scientists describe for the rest of us, the key major philosophical differences between The Democratic Party and The Republican Party

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
The democrats occasionally virtue signal and are obviously willing to adopt the *trappings* of progressivism while campaigning but it's all bullshit.

Surely you already know you can't listen to what politicians say- you have to watch what they do.
I look at the results, and measure who is responsible by what folk say.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
No thoughts on the dramatic philosophical underpinnings that separate The Democratic and Republican Parties?
Honestly…….I think we probably would be too far apart sayin I don’t think either exist anymore…..in name perhaps…….philosophical underpinnings ………both sides collapsed a while ago.

Both sell their “party“ out as long as the influence and votes are there.