A Portland Joint BLM/Antifa Squad foiled a car jacking and returned a Child to its mother.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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One of his biggest and best failure among a long list of spectacular failure.

but that’s to be expected of a noodle neck soy flake cock licker


Factory Bastard
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The guy who caught the thief said "God is real. Prayers up, Blessings come down."

Not something any Antifa or BLM guy would say.

The only Antifa or BLM guy in this story is the goof who stole the car.
Now how would you know that Shit for brains, because in your mind a Christian couldn't possibly be for racial equality? Seriously?
check this guy out, he was a Pastor, he was for Civil rights too.


BLM literally hates him too. Fact.

Thank you for showing how ignorant you are yet again.


Factory Bastard
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Actual truthful information about Portland Antifa. Armed members of Rose City Antifa recently picked a fight with a motorcycle gang then got the shit beat out of them. Naturally, the idiot losers of Antigua then tried to blame the police for not helping them fast enough. You can't make this shit up.

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Factory Bastard
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The real story which the OP blatantly lied about. It was the kidnapped Child's father who saved his own child. No antifa involvement at all. Like many other terrorist groups Antics tries to lie and claim they did good things in order to fool low I.Q. people while lying and claiming they didn't things which they actually did.

So the mother was warming up her car in the driveway, put youngest in the back then went inside to get her other child. A black car jacket with a long history of violent crime then gets in to still the car, the woman runs out screaming saying her baby is in the car, the black thief says duck you I am taking it anyway and drives off, her husband gets in his car, crashes his car into hos wife's stolen car thus saving his kidnapped child.

Aidsman lied like he always lies yet again.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The real story which the OP blatantly lied about. It was the kidnapped Child's father who saved his own child. No antifa involvement at all. Like many other terrorist groups Antics tries to lie and claim they did good things in order to fool low I.Q. people while lying and claiming they didn't things which they actually did.

So the mother was warming up her car in the driveway, put youngest in the back then went inside to get her other child. A black car jacket with a long history of violent crime then gets in to still the car, the woman runs out screaming saying her baby is in the car, the black thief says duck you I am taking it anyway and drives off, her husband gets in his car, crashes his car into hos wife's stolen car thus saving his kidnapped child.

Aidsman lied like he always lies yet again.

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Domestically feral
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United states
"Protesters" attacking ordinary people and getting them killed and these psycho "protesters" and spinning it into some street war with gangs of state sanctioned "white supremacists".

Mind you this is a thing about the honeowner who was shot by antifa people. They are definately not "peacefully protesting" they are just larping that everyone is a white supremacist and these are heros "dying in the streets" fighting waves of white supremacists. And then she called Asain Andy Ngo a white supremacist.

These people are disturbed, radicalized into a cult of politcal violence. Unhinged. Disconnected from reality and an active danger to communities.

And as we know.....theyve made their false narrative criticism proof by simply labeling any one who questions it a racist white supremacist. Honest discussion is off the table. They want violence.