"Stop having kids"... The message from a Jew in Portland


Domestically feral
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United states
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?
Hmmmmm…not particularly. But where there’s poverty lies evil of the most vile kind. Giving honest Ukrainians a chance to excel in the world, will bring about their best traits, both for themselves and humanity as a whole. Amen.

I read about it recently, it was in the 2000's, a photo studio which employed under age Ukranian girls in the 8-14 range to pose naked. It went on for years before getting busted, you should try and find the article...
This kinda shit happens everywhere unfortunately. Poverty brings about the evils within. But there is good within every nation…we just need to process them accordingly and carefully and allow them to integrate and become upstanding citizens of our modern societies.

And outlaw Islam of course…there’s no place for that kind of bad behaviour.

If you're going to outlaw Islam, you've got to outlaw the other Abrahamic religions. They have all caused great strife throughout history.

So has politics, greed and secular humanism.

It's almost like the common denominator is human beings.

In fact, out of all the war in human history, religion is a very low percent of the "strife". A lot of mass suffering and death in fact wasnt done by religious people....but people who hate and outlaw religion.

Islam isnt a religion. It just involves religion. Muslim faith is the religious component to the Islam ideology. Its violent radicalism.....not too much different than other violent radicalism. Including left wing radicalism.

It's not religious people bombing government buildings, shooting at senators and destroying entire communities. If we are ban things that cause strife, that puts a lot of current "movements" on the chopping block.

Islam is the most cult-like religion that I've seen. The 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven is particularly Lulzy.

Yeah. It's important to understand that Islam is a whole ideology with a religious component. It's actually a small percent of muslims who are all indoctrinated into Islam.

Its radicalism. So they really follow the Quran and the hadiths and other texts to the letter. And it comes with a political component and that's what makes it so violent and horrible. Islam means "submit". Peaceful muslims are even slaughtered by Islamists. Christians? Yeah they are slaughtered as well. Anything outside of Islam has to go. They believe the world will be at peace once Islam is the global standard.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.

it was also more affordable… a 2 income household economy isn’t going to entice people to be baby breeders either

there is a huge drop in millennial pregnancies and we are not expected to repopulate at the rates we have in past generations


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.

it was also more affordable… a 2 income household economy isn’t going to entice people to be baby breeders either

there is a huge drop in millennial pregnancies and we are not expected to repopulate at the rates we have in past generations
This is a phenomenon among most mature economies, slowing population “growth “. But the Trumptards yell at clouds and blame the Jews.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.

it was also more affordable… a 2 income household economy isn’t going to entice people to be baby breeders either

there is a huge drop in millennial pregnancies and we are not expected to repopulate at the rates we have in past generations
This is a phenomenon among most mature economies, slowing population “growth “. But the Trumptards yell out clouds and blame the Jews.

the current 2 bedroom home and a picket fence is a one bedroom apartment with no roommates and 6 houseplants

According to the Trumpturds… this is all Bidens fault :LOL3:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.
Yeah, but they were responsible for their families. No outside help. Not expecting the government to coddle them. Certainly not expecting other nations to coddle them.

These 3rd world countries that Liar @Joe is talking about receive hundreds of millions of dollars of aid from the other nations, charity, and they still cannot take care of themselves. And their population overflows into countries like Canada because of our social assistance programs.

Instead of containing the shithole lifestyle/culture to these 3rd world countries, and trying to fix it there, we are allowing their shithole lifestyle/culture into our own countries and being contaminated.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.
Yeah, but they were responsible for their families. No outside help. Not expecting the government to coddle them. Certainly not expecting other nations to coddle them.

These 3rd world countries that Liar @Joe is talking about receive hundreds of millions of dollars of aid from the other nations, charity, and they still cannot take care of themselves. And their population overflows into countries like Canada because of our social assistance programs.

Instead of containing the shithole lifestyle/culture to these 3rd world countries, and trying to fix it there, we are allowing their shithole lifestyle/culture into our own countries and being contaminated.

Actually @The Prowler, I think the wealthy nations should set limits on the poorer ones by providing them with aid, but also with family planning targets and assistance to bring their birth rates down within a generation.

I think that is a reasonable request.

Face it, the rich nations are themselves running out of money to give to the poorer ones.

Where will these poor nations be when the rich ones run out of money in 20-25 years?

SOL I suspect. If these poor countries experience famines or plagues in 20 it'll be because the rich ones run outta money ta give 'em.

The reason their populations exploded was in large part due to the aid of the rich countries.

But they should should warn the poor countries and set up a plan now to help bring their population growth down....NOW. Give them an ultimatum. Sorry...we can't afford their 8 or 9 kids per family anymore.

Y'know, I posted a link about where the world would be in 100 years.

The author said of that video said the population of Africa will reach 4 billion, half of the world population right now.

Like oh yeah....who's gonna support them or wanna? So, it's better to provide them with incentives to get their populations under control, right? Such as loan forgiveness for meeting their population targets.

Sorry brithers, there's a limit to what the planet can handle and how many of your refugees the USA and other rich countries are willing to accept.

So, they oughta get with the program or face the consequences.

yes, the fable of Noah's Ark has a message for us all. Prepare for more difficult times and stormy waters ahead.

the world's resources and capacity to absorb overpopulation is finite not infinite.
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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
We've got liberal do gooders in the west to thank for the population explosion in Africa and other turd world countries.

If nggers were left to their own devices and not sent aid, the population levels would drop.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
We've got liberal do gooders in the west to thank for the population explosion in Africa and other turd world countries.

If nggers were left to their own devices and not sent aid, the population levels would drop.

Yeah, just let nature take its course.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We've got liberal do gooders in the west to thank for the population explosion in Africa and other turd world countries.

If nggers were left to their own devices and not sent aid, the population levels would drop.
The stupid ones might actually all die off, allowing the rest to evolve.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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thread summary

leftists working over time to show you how utterly fucking stupid they really are