Check on your liberal family/friends/neighbors


Factory Bastard
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Why wid I try to season the smelting pot of hypocrisy that determines your issue's within a society you are divorced from, while somehow demanding value therein? And then claiming I can hand you a tissue to stop you bleeding over any political forum like a President bleeding over the soft Italian leather in an open top Cadillac, in a triangulated crossfire?

Stop having an opinion about what you patently do not have an opinion about. My need to explain you to you is wearing thin, especially among the abused and abusive morons that constitute our apathetic readership.

You have no opinion on politics, that is your politics.

I was never asking you to change, merely to STFU about what you yourself constitute as your own constitutional and democratic irrelevance.

See it as a bilateral exchange between your right wing belief structure, and an inability to accept that you cannot intellectually or morally square (like a freemason sacrificing a virgin in a satanic circle), just how moronic it sounds when you attempt to storm the higher ground.


This may help other readers, I flung this at Chatgpt and asked for translation and this is what it said

This piece appears to be a critique of individuals who voice opinions on societal issues without a thorough understanding or engagement with the subject matter. The language used is confrontational and employs vivid imagery to drive home the point. Here are some observations and suggestions for improvement:

  1. Clarity and Coherence: The writing style is quite dense and may be difficult for some readers to follow. Consider simplifying the language and organizing the ideas more clearly to enhance readability.
  2. Tone: The tone of the piece is harsh and abrasive, which may alienate some readers. While passion and conviction are important in conveying a message, it's essential to strike a balance and avoid unnecessarily antagonizing the audience.
  3. Specificity: The critique could benefit from providing specific examples or instances to support the arguments made. This would add depth and credibility to the writer's perspective.
  4. Constructive Criticism: While it's clear that the writer disagrees with the individuals they're addressing, offering constructive criticism or suggesting alternative viewpoints could make the piece more persuasive and engaging.
  5. Consistency: Ensure that the metaphors and analogies used throughout the piece are consistent and relevant to the main argument. This will help maintain coherence and strengthen the writer's message.
  6. Empathy: While expressing frustration with individuals who hold differing opinions is understandable, it's essential to approach the topic with empathy and understanding. Acknowledging the complexities of political beliefs and engaging in respectful dialogue can foster more meaningful discussions.
Overall, while the piece conveys a strong sense of frustration with perceived hypocrisy and ignorance, refining the language, tone, and structure could make the critique more impactful and compelling.

My opinion is:

Can I say I completely understand what this man wrote? No, I cannot say that. Is this a good thing? No, it is not.


Factory Bastard
Where did you copy and paste that from Poppet?

Does it make your point less valid, I would say so. Prep is a good start for you in regard to me.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Why wid I try to season the smelting pot of hypocrisy that determines your issue's within a society you are divorced from, while somehow demanding value therein?

You make it sound like I'm living in a cave on a remote mountain top, refusing to interact with other humanoids.

You're so wrong I don't know where to begin or if it's even possible to free you from this delusion. I harp on society's missteps and shortfalls *because* I am inextricably bound to that society. Only the lazy and the apathetic merely float along on the current of popular culture; those of us who have a keen interest in the sustainability and functionality of society naturally care enough about its course and content to warn of its dangers and sicknesses as we perceive them.

Stop having an opinion about what you patently do not have an opinion about.

Um... no?

My need to explain you to you is wearing thin, especially among the abused and abusive morons that constitute our apathetic readership.

So I don't know if you realize this, but you can stop at any time.
I swear, nobody is going to prevent you from stopping.
As a semi-autonomous quasi-sentient being (as are we all) that is well within your rights.

I was never asking you to change, merely to STFU about what you yourself constitute as your own constitutional and democratic irrelevance.

Um... no?

your right wing belief structure

Not actually a thing.
Never has been never will be.

and an inability to accept that you cannot intellectually or morally square (like a freemason sacrificing a virgin in a satanic circle), just how moronic it sounds when you attempt to storm the higher ground.

I give my opinion.
Occasionally I offer a critique.
In either case I include as much as practical or requested my reasoning and process as well as empirical facts.

Because I do spend so much time and energy reaching my conclusions (and revising them when/if new verifiable information is presented) I am comfortable and secure in them. If you want to read that as "storming the higher ground" that's not a me problem nor is it anything I feel consistently compelled to redress. I won't tell you *what* to think, but I have no qualms about trying to educate you in *how* to think.

For the greater good, of course.
I'm an upstanding and contributing member of society like that.

Um... no?

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
May i add to OPs post about the Dishonesty of the left in that they use language to manipulate rather than communicate.

For example,

The self styled resistance to Trump45, if in fact you are siding with the MSM, Democrat grandees, GOP RHINOs, dodgy Soros backed DAs etc the correct term for you is Collaborator.

Hope thats not to much salt to rub in.


Factory Bastard
You make it sound like I'm living in a cave on a remote mountain top, refusing to interact with other humanoids.

You're so wrong I don't know where to begin or if it's even possible to free you from this delusion. I harp on society's missteps and shortfalls *because* I am inextricably bound to that society. Only the lazy and the apathetic merely float along on the current of popular culture; those of us who have a keen interest in the sustainability and functionality of society naturally care enough about its course and content to warn of its dangers and sicknesses as we perceive them.

Um... no?

So I don't know if you realize this, but you can stop at any time.
I swear, nobody is going to prevent you from stopping.
As a semi-autonomous quasi-sentient being (as are we all) that is well within your rights.

Um... no?

Not actually a thing.
Never has been never will be.

I give my opinion.
Occasionally I offer a critique.
In either case I include as much as practical or requested my reasoning and process as well as empirical facts.

Because I do spend so much time and energy reaching my conclusions (and revising them when/if new verifiable information is presented) I am comfortable and secure in them. If you want to read that as "storming the higher ground" that's not a me problem nor is it anything I feel consistently compelled to redress. I won't tell you *what* to think, but I have no qualms about trying to educate you in *how* to think.

For the greater good, of course.
I'm an upstanding and contributing member of society like that.

Um... no?

What a beautiful post that seems to flow in a determinable fashion that outstrips your passion for the political fashion that you seem to wear like a lions mane or a hibernating bears shame, for simply being asleep when it was butchered.

You don't offer a political critique V, you simply proffer a non-refundable assertation that your validation of your confused politicking is somehow worth listening to. It isn't. And never was. No-one is saying that you have never justified your hollow argument with continuity; only that your critique of continuity is not a basis of even self worth, let alone a shared one acceptable to anything more than your neurons firing like a murmuration of startled starlings, reaching for the stars as a howitzer shell explodes in their mist, turning them to mist.

You have spent a lot of time reaching your conclusion, unfortunately you are unable to move from the conclusion your parents reached so long ago.

I don't want you to worry about that, just look into my eyes and breathe with me.

Because you are an upstanding member of this community that I am going to make work very hard for his opinion.

That's it...breathe.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA

I'm still hearing a whole lot of "you're wrong" and there continues to be a thundering silence insofar as "why"s and "how"s.

You did give me a chuckle though when you insinuated my parents and I share conclusions, or even philosophies. One was a steadfast republican voter until being afflicted with TDS and the other, last I heard, is a Trump supporter who stopped sending me emails back during the Obama administration because I opined that there were more than enough valid criticisms of Obama so haphazardly making stuff up with which to taint him was counterproductive.

They probably hate my politics as much as you do. LoL


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
This may help other readers, I flung this at Chatgpt and asked for translation and this is what it said

This piece appears to be a critique of individuals who voice opinions on societal issues without a thorough understanding or engagement with the subject matter. The language used is confrontational and employs vivid imagery to drive home the point. Here are some observations and suggestions for improvement:

  1. Clarity and Coherence: The writing style is quite dense and may be difficult for some readers to follow. Consider simplifying the language and organizing the ideas more clearly to enhance readability.
  2. Tone: The tone of the piece is harsh and abrasive, which may alienate some readers. While passion and conviction are important in conveying a message, it's essential to strike a balance and avoid unnecessarily antagonizing the audience.
  3. Specificity: The critique could benefit from providing specific examples or instances to support the arguments made. This would add depth and credibility to the writer's perspective.
  4. Constructive Criticism: While it's clear that the writer disagrees with the individuals they're addressing, offering constructive criticism or suggesting alternative viewpoints could make the piece more persuasive and engaging.
  5. Consistency: Ensure that the metaphors and analogies used throughout the piece are consistent and relevant to the main argument. This will help maintain coherence and strengthen the writer's message.
  6. Empathy: While expressing frustration with individuals who hold differing opinions is understandable, it's essential to approach the topic with empathy and understanding. Acknowledging the complexities of political beliefs and engaging in respectful dialogue can foster more meaningful discussions.
Overall, while the piece conveys a strong sense of frustration with perceived hypocrisy and ignorance, refining the language, tone, and structure could make the critique more impactful and compelling.

My opinion is:

Can I say I completely understand what this man wrote? No, I cannot say that. Is this a good thing? No, it is not.

Might be helpful to stick both sides into Chatgpt, no?


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Might be helpful to stick both sides into Chatgpt, no?

Oops. Missed this before somehow.

Your observation was exactly what I was curious about and would have done it except I didn't feel like creating a ChatGPT account just for that. If I ever find a genuine need for a ChatGPT account I'll revisit this thread too.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Why would I hate your politic, and why would I laugh out loud when you despairingly try to project it?

My first answer (I emphasize this is not a diagnosis, merely an educated guess) has to be "TDS".

That epidemic hasn't been restricted to the continental USA and its symptoms do account for the misrepresentations and bitterness you've been flinging in my direction as a result of stating my political opinions and observations.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Between the SCOTUS rulings on immunity and ballot access the liberals are having a rough time right now.

Let's not even speak of Biden's poll numbers... that's just salt in the wound.

Let the VBNMW folks in your life know you care for them and you're there if they need you, then give them space and let them work through this trying time the best way they know how (which will probably be to blame progressives/leftists since that's their default scapegoat for everything).

And whatever you do try very hard not to laugh at them no matter how tempting or how much they deserve it.

Liberals have feelings too, they're just shallower and more spiteful than the feelings of other people.
Your mistake there is associating Biden with liberalism. Not quite. He's involved with neoliberalism. Not the same thing.

The SCOTUS rulings suck hard. On ass.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Your mistake there is associating Biden with liberalism. Not quite. He's involved with neoliberalism. Not the same thing.

The SCOTUS rulings suck hard. On ass.

But the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, etc. self-identify as liberals and as far as I'm concerned they can have that label.

I'd rather be called almost anything but a liberal specifically because I don't want to be associated with democrats.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
But the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, etc. self-identify as liberals and as far as I'm concerned they can have that label.

I'd rather be called almost anything but a liberal specifically because I don't want to be associated with democrats.

I'm an actual liberal. I am not a Democrat. Biden, Clinton, and Obama are Democrats. Not liberals. They are neoliberals. Jimmy Carter may have been the last liberal Democrat president.