Israel has killed 7000+ Palestinian children at this point

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Every post in this thread is about the genocide of Palestinians from you. It's clear you consider Muslims to be animals worth exterminating.

No, I will not shut up, never mind to someone that supports ethnic cleansing and genocide. Don't like it? Too bad.
Nope, Not even a good try, Frau Goebbels. You can repeat a lie as often as you like but it won't make it true.
So where did I say genocide is fine? What I have said is that my sympathies lay with people who, like us, only want a peaceful life, but have dooshbags like Hamas causing shit to be rained down on them. Remember also that Gaza was not part of Israel until it became a possession as the result of muslim (Egyptian mainly) aggression -1967.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Nope, Not even a good try, Frau Goebbels. You can repeat a lie as often as you like but it won't make it true.
So where did I say genocide is fine? What I have said is that my sympathies lay with people who, like us, only want a peaceful life, but have dooshbags like Hamas causing shit to be rained down on them. Remember also that Gaza was not part of Israel until it became a possession as the result of muslim (Egyptian mainly) aggression -1967.

It's obvious you hate Muslims, grow a pair and own it.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Squawk "Hamas" squawk.

Simplistic arguments are for simpletons. They don't impress me. Go sell your crap somewhere else, I'm not buying.
If my argument was simple, it would still be more of an argument than you have.
What you actually have is an inherent Rachel Dolezal bias. You identify (for some reason) as a PoC and therefore you ally yourself with the brown "Palestinian" people and the "white" Jews of Israel are obviously the evil ones. If the skin tones were reversed then you'd be Pali bashing away. You know why? Because yer a raciss.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
It's obvious you hate Muslims, grow a pair and own it.
WoW! Wherever did you get that idea?

I don't care for them one bit and with good reason - the same one that so many other people of the world despise them for. It's the culture and the religion each informing the other, not the people themselves who are naught more than a product of it..
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
WoW! Wherever did you get that idea?

I don't care for them one bit and with good reason - the same one that so many other people of the world despise them. It's the culture and the religion each informing the other, not the people themselves who are naught more than a product of it..

baby killer


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh, is this about abortion now? LoLz @ Oak.
Nah - I haven't killed any babies, and I don't condone it, but Hamas does, and you love Hamas.
Baby Killer.

Every dead child is on radical muslim's head.

Your support for the Israeli government, IDF, US policy in the Middle East makes you civically responsible for babies, children, women and the elderly being murdered.

Don't like it, too damn bad. I don't care how you feel.


Factory Bastard
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You repeated just what I said and it was just a way to show selective moralising and virtue signalling not a thread hyjack.
Bullshit. You didn't say anything that I said about the comparison and the news cycle. Your post was simply an accusation, falsely based on what you think are my belefs.


Factory Bastard
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...and that is how I have presented it - in entirety. It started with muslim hate and blood lust.
I read recently enough that you think yourself a pagan. Do you weep for the pagans of Mecca who muslims murdered and stole from in inventing their bullshit religion? Where did the name of their god come from. From were did the magic space rock come from (I know - outer space)? where did the hagg ceremony come from? Don't know? Maybe ask one of the pagans that muslims murdered.

Oh and btw - if you are rallying to support radical conservatives (Hamas) then it's not me who is being a con. I have presented things in a even and historically accurate fashion - and the historical fact is that everywhere you find muslims down through history you find conflict and bloodshed. They are never victims, always the aggressor. The only recent cases where poor muslims were shut down and expelled before they could start the shit that was surely coming, was when wise people weren't waiting around for history to repeat itself. The world should take note and follow suit.
Please post where I am posting about rallying anyone in support of anything other than an end to this ongoing conflict.

You do not have to ask me about any particular conflict if you are capable of understanding that I do not believe in violence, either uninstigated or in retaliation.

And PS, I give more shit to Israel because they have all the money, all the firepower, and all the support from the west, and they are committing atrocities with impunity. When they retaliate it is always 10 fold or 100 fold, and then they scream "anti-semitism" to anyone who objects, and that effectively shuts everyone up. None of this is so for Hamas.

This entire conflict needs to be tried in an international court of law and both sides, including the bully Israel, need to abide by international laws.

What you don't get, Holly, is that I almost never take sides in any of these global conflicts, but I will, nonetheless, always speak out against the oppressor and speak for the little guy who has few resources for beating back the oppressor, because bullies fucking infuriate me.
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Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Bullshit. You didn't say anything that I said about the comparison and the news cycle. Your post was simply an accusation, falsely based on what you think are my belefs.

Its not a competition thats why I'm not interested in comparisons or any other kind of moral relativism. Hamas will be done before Christmas then the deportations will start.


Factory Bastard
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Its not a competition thats why I'm not interested in comparisons or any other kind of moral relativism. Hamas will be done before Christmas then the deportations will start.
Oh, okay. So, you come into a thread about Israel, and say, yeah, but what about the NUMBERS of Armenians being displaced by Turks, and then you tell me it's not a competition.

Like I said before, if you want to talk about Armenian genocide, why not start a thread about it, instead of whinging and accusing in a thread about Israel and Gaza? It's not a competition, pal.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
You do not have to ask me about any particular conflict if you are capable of understanding that I do not believe in violence, either uninstigated or in retaliation.
You should believe in self defense, which to me seems the right of all living things.

You support the little guy? So when Israel is attacked by what(?) 5 or so muslim nations, you are on the side of the little guy Israel, right? Because surely you know Hamas is their proxy and the poor people of Gaza their pawns.

And when Armenians, pagans, Hindus, Zoarastrians, people of the Baha'i Faith etc etc etc are persecuted by muslims, whose side are you on?

As I've repeatedly said, Lotus, I'm on the side, in sympathy with people who want nothing more than a simple and peaceful life, but nowhere where muslims are, are they allowed to have it. That's history..

Hamas does not represent the people of Gaza. They don't give a shit about the people of Gaza and have said as much. All they care about (like the Nazis) is Jewish genocide. Sidle up to Hamas and Nazis cheer.


Factory Bastard
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You should believe in self defense, which to me seems the right of all living things.

You support the little guy? So when Israel is attacked by what(?) 5 or so muslim nations, you are on the side of the little guy Israel, right? Because surely you know Hamas is their proxy and the poor people of Gaza their pawns.

And when Armenians, pagans, Hindus, Zoarastrians, people of the Baha'i Faith etc etc etc are persecuted by muslims, whose side are you on?

As I've repeatedly said, Lotus, I'm on the side, in sympathy with people who want nothing more than a simple and peaceful life, but nowhere where muslims are, are they allowed to have it. That's history..

Hamas does not represent the people of Gaza. They don't give a shit about the people of Gaza and have said as much. All they care about (like the Nazis) is Jewish genocide. Sidle up to Hamas and Nazis cheer.
Murdering 7000 children is self defense, how? That's retribution, straight up. There is absolutely no need for that. Israel needs to fucking sit down at the bargaining table and stop this shit. They have to make that first move, because they hold all the cards. They have all the money and all the weaponry and all the military force. Come on.

The people of Gaza, with or without Hamas (and I am not a cheerleader for Hamas. You made that up) have been bullied by Israel for decades. How many of the dead children were working for Hamas?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Murdering 7000 children is self defense, how? That's retribution, straight up. There is absolutely no need for that. Israel needs to fucking sit down at the bargaining table and stop this shit.
Who will they sit down and bargain with, Lotus? - people whose stated goal is their utter and complete destruction? Otay.

I'm not supporting indiscriminate killing, but you can not disregard Hamas' roll in that happening. Hamas are radical muslims. They do not represent the people of Gaza, and those people know it. They have stated that they started this recent shit to derail a peace process and don't care how many "Palestinians" die as a result of their actions. You are fine with that?


Factory Bastard
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There are 3.5 million Muslims in the US. Since they're all terrorists, why aren't there terrorist attcks every day in the US. I mean, come on, there's a mass shooting almost every day. These Muslim terorrists are really inept.
Who will they sit down and bargain with, Lotus? - people whose stated goal is their utter and complete destruction? Otay.

I'm not supporting indiscriminate killing, but you can not disregard Hamas' roll in that happening. Hamas are radical muslims. They do not represent the people of Gaza, and those people know it. They have stated that they started this recent shit to derail a peace process and don't care how many "Palestinians" die as a result of their actions. You are fine with that?
I have answered this before. My answer remains the same.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
There are 3.5 million Muslims in the US. Since they're all terrorists, why aren't there terrorist attcks every day in the US. I mean, come on, there's a mass shooting almost every day. These Muslim terorrists are really inept.

I have answered this before. My answer remains the same.

Logic escapes some. They are tied up in their hate.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
So anyway, I had opportunity to listen to the Chomsky vid in entirety this morn and I don't disagree with anything he said, what I disagree with is that not everything was said.
,, Now someone suggested that I agree with US policy in the ME when, not only recently, but repeatedly over the years (years which will shortly end) stated that I don not agree with it, many times many ways - but let the propaganda machine grind its gears all it likes. That's what you do when you have no argument, but rather just a visceral mindless bias - you just make shit up.

You know what I have noticed over the long course of time is that people are unwilling to criticize islam and muslims for their actions. No problem pissing on so called christians (I call them xtians and don't mind them being criticized). What I've come to think is that the reason is fear someone will show up at their door with a sharp knife to cut their head off if they do speak out against muslim injustice. That is because they know that islam is inherently violent, and I don't mean by some perversion as is sometimes the case with so called christians, but because it it rooted in its foundations.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Please post where I am posting about rallying anyone in support of anything other than an end to this ongoing conflict.

You do not have to ask me about any particular conflict if you are capable of understanding that I do not believe in violence, either uninstigated or in retaliation.

And PS, I give more shit to Israel because they have all the money, all the firepower, and all the support from the west, and they are committing atrocities with impunity. When they retaliate it is always 10 fold or 100 fold, and then they scream "anti-semitism" to anyone who objects, and that effectively shuts everyone up. None of this is so for Hamas.

This entire conflict needs to be tried in an international court of law and both sides, including the bully Israel, need to abide by international laws.

What you don't get, Holly, is that I almost never take sides in any of these global conflicts, but I will, nonetheless, always speak out against the oppressor and speak for the little guy who has few resources for beating back the oppressor, because bullies fucking infuriate me.

The US and Israel are two of the countries that aren't signatories to the International Criminal Court ( US, China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, and Yemen). We keep great company.

The real anti-Semites are the religious fanatics that want the second coming of the Messiah so all the people they hate burn in hell, including the Jews.


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