lil wayne is a white supremicist! Proof inside


Factory Bastard
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There will ALWAYS be prejudice and racism of some sort but this ridiculous idea that most whites believe blacks are a mongrel, inferior, etc race that arent human beings is asinine. Personally, I dont like people period and for any number of bazillion reasons. My personal prejudices were shocked that Lil Wayne hasnt bought into the black victim mentality. I'm shocked!


Domestically feral
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United states
There will ALWAYS be prejudice and racism of some sort but this ridiculous idea that most whites believe blacks are a mongrel, inferior, etc race that arent human beings is asinine. Personally, I dont like people period and for any number of bazillion reasons. My personal prejudices were shocked that Lil Wayne hasnt bought into the black victim mentality. I'm shocked!

That's how white leftists view them. When they are talking to eachother they admit it.

They admit thier view of a black people is low and they do this to "take responsibility". And those of us who do not care about race and argue for judging on character not color are the "worst kind of racists" because we are upholding a "system of white supremacy".

It's a cult. We have to confess our "sin" of all this racism we have been trained to believe with this inherent priviledge we have had from being white and benefiting from the system of white supremacy. THEY are anti racist, because admit thier racism and work to do better by "educating"(evangelizing) other white people.

So you see as with any cult there is a lot of gaslighting and mental/emotional abuse involved and brainwashing. They will see racism everywhere but only because they actively seek it.

Regular things that happen to everyone become racism when it happens to a black person.

It's completely unhinged. It's the most dangerous and damaging conspiracy theory in existence.