Murdock, Marital Status: Divorced


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here’s a better question….

When will Prolapse actually consummate his own marriage?
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
3 years this month.

So started dating March 2021.

Got engaged less than a year later.

And here we are in 2024 and you are still not married!??!!?!?!?

How many Red Flags do I have to list?!?!?!

The wedding is not going to happen.

And the country that you are lying about is called "Greece", not "Grease", you absolute retard!!!



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
So started dating March 2021.

Got engaged less than a year later.

And here we are in 2024 and you are still not married!??!!?!?!?

How many Red Flags do I have to list?!?!?!

The wedding is not going to happen.

And the country that you are lying about is called "Greece", not "Grease", you absolute retard!!!


A red flag would be married for 20+ years with no children and a penchant for kiddie porn.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Over 3 years.

No marriage.

The honeymoon is over before the marriage even started.

It is over.


How did I know?

Because you always crawl back to Joo Dog when you get dumped.

Now, tell people again why it upset you so much that I did not marry my wife until 7 years after we started dating?

That is sure to help them understand your mindset.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Over 3 years.

No marriage.

The honeymoon is over before the marriage even started.

It is over.


How did I know?

Because you always crawl back to Joo Dog when you get dumped.

Now, tell people again why it upset you so much that I did not marry my wife until 7 years after we started dating?

That is sure to help them understand your mindset.


You’re legit retarded.

I was married for 22 years and had been with him for 26. You’ll have to excuse me for finding this pressure to get married as insane as your posts.
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
We can check back in another 6 months.

There will be no wedding.

Not in "Grease" or in Greece.

El Big Fatty is waiting for a better option.

The only thing keeping him around is the lack of options.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
What would I do if El Big Sexy leaves me…

I would cry. I love him. The thought of him being gone makes me really sad. Plus, he is a pussy eating GAWD :PuffPuffPass:

After I cried myself to sleep for a month or so… I’d go back to my cougar ways curbing my appetite for fire D with 20 something professional athletes of course!

Or maybe an internet romance turned mind fuck would be nice. However, anyone who has tried to lop themselves into the in the alpha gang… which is a derivative of the cheesiest pickup line I’ve ever used online, and has been infiltrated with beta cucks, is encouraged to NOT apply.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
We can check back in another 6 months.

There will be no wedding.

Not in "Grease" or in Greece.

El Big Fatty is waiting for a better option.

The only thing keeping him around is the lack of options.
People across Canada can call and text 9-8-8, a new three-digit service, for help when they need it most. The service offers trauma-informed and culturally affirming support to anyone who is thinking of suicide, or who is worried about someone they know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

That you even agreed to marry anyone after going through a divorce is a tribute to your optimistic nature.

I do not ever want to remarry. I will never have children again and they are the most important reason to marry, imho.

Otherwise, a piece of paper is merely a formality. I don't need to be taken care of, I can take care of myself. I don't need to take care of someone else, at least involuntarily, I don't.

Being able to walk away and choosing not to, is the best testament to a good relationship.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

That you even agreed to marry anyone after going through a divorce is a tribute to your optimistic nature.

I do not ever want to remarry. I will never have children again and they are the most important reason to marry, imho.

Otherwise, a piece of paper is merely a formality. I don't need to be taken care of, I can take care of myself. I don't need to take care of someone else, at least involuntarily, I don't.

Being able to walk away and choosing not to, is the best testament to a good relationship.
I'm not even considering a relationship at this point.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm not even considering a relationship at this point.

If we somehow broke up, I would not actively seek another relationship again. I was in my early 40's when this one came along. I'm on my way to 60. I would spend time doing things for myself and travelling...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

That you even agreed to marry anyone after going through a divorce is a tribute to your optimistic nature.

I do not ever want to remarry. I will never have children again and they are the most important reason to marry, imho.

Otherwise, a piece of paper is merely a formality. I don't need to be taken care of, I can take care of myself. I don't need to take care of someone else, at least involuntarily, I don't.

Being able to walk away and choosing not to, is the best testament to a good relationship.

I’m still traumatized from my divorce, his multiple affairs and the sacrifice of 12 years of my life for the sake of my children so they didn’t endure a single parent home. That was my choice and I would gladly make it again for them.

I’m not going to legally marry him. When our children have blended to the point that we aren’t forcing this down their throats, we will have a destination wedding to unionize our family.

Not sure why people are inclined to offer unsolicited advice on an obscure message forum, but watching him fumble with logic is mildly entertaining.

I baited him into the spelling Nazi, which he probably doesn’t know that movie was filmed in dog town lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’m still traumatized from my divorce, his multiple affairs and the sacrifice of 12 years of my life for the sake of my children so they didn’t endure a single parent home. That was my choice and I would gladly make it again for them.

I’m not going to legally marry him. When our children have blended to the point that we aren’t forcing this down their throats, we will have a destination wedding to unionize our family.

Not sure why people are inclined to offer unsolicited advice on an obscure message forum, but watching him fumble with logic is mildly entertaining.

I baited him into the spelling Nazi, which he probably doesn’t know that movie was filmed in dog town lol

Apparently a woman without a man controlling her is unacceptable. And only old, withered, undesirable women are untethered.

That's comes from archaic thinking.

Now whether you decide to marry or not is entirely up to you. If you want to marry, do it. If you don't, well, don't. Marrying in the face of the odds is courageous.

I'm just tired of the paternalism and patriarchy in men of my generation and a some years older. Fuck that shit, you think you're stronger than I am because you have balls?

Get a grip, their balls can't handle the heat so they got out of the kitchen. lol
The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
These broads are carrying so much baggage it is hilarious!!!!!!


I will highlight some of the Red Flags for laughs!!

agreed to marry anyone after going through a divorce
I do not ever want to remarry
they are the most important reason to marry
a piece of paper is merely a formality
I don't need to be taken care of
I don't need to take care of someone else
Being able to walk away and choosing not to, is the best testament to a good relationship.
I would spend time doing things for myself and travelling...
I’m still traumatized from my divorce, his multiple affairs and the sacrifice of 12 years of my life
I would gladly make it again
I’m not going to legally marry him.
forcing this down their throats
wedding to unionize our family
a woman without a man controlling her is unacceptable
old, withered, undesirable women are untethered
Marrying in the face of the odds is courageous.
tired of the paternalism and patriarchy in men of my generation
you think you're stronger than I am


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
No, that's the very problem with psychos...they spiral out of control.

It gets more and more mental everyday :Crazy::Crazy::Crazy:

I’m being insulted by a man who has literally described a sexual act with a little boy and a man online. This psychotic circle jerk is fueled by losers who you got the best of and they can’t fucking handle it.

All so they can create traffic on a defunct forum while ignoring the elephant in the room…. literally :OhGawd:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Prowler is basically plagiarizing the whole creepy stalker Stan troll that a poster called Antagonizer used on Erica Mena at Third Rail's even worse than the original.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Prowler is basically plagiarizing the whole creepy stalker Stan troll that a poster called Antagonizer used on Erica Mena at Third Rail's even worse than the original.

It’s the desperate and deranged antics of an ineffectual loser.