Thinking of quitting for the hood


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Still butthurt you can't prove you have your children?

only someone as dumb as you think she actually needs to

Captain Midget to the rescue again. Okay, "millionaire."
am I going to have to prove to you I live comfortably too or just accept the fact that a loser meth head who can only get internet on a prepaid card doesn't believe me?

No. One. Fucking. Cares. Except. You.

Much like everything you mElTdOwN about, yanno?

More delicious delusions.


How are your children doing, now that you're done dragging them from state to state as you meet men off the forums?

Is your 12 step plan working?


Flynn, you cannot molest or masturbate to pictures of my children.

Tone down the desperation.

That's because Biggie Sham beat everyone to it. I'm sure he compensated you for it.


I said tone DOWN the desperation.

Not AMP it up by desperately trying to shift the focus off your predatory spammy obsession with children and trying to get their pictures and info by just blaming Big for being the ( We should INVITE new members to Bastard Factory ) pervert you are.

You seem pretty close to banging your head on the keyboard. Try not to break it this time.....looks like it took you a few weeks to replace it after your last ragefilled spam fest.

More deflection on the fact that you're drug addict who can't even take care of her kids and needs the state to step in and be a real mother.

Kind of "empiracle," eh?


Is it "deflection", Flynn?

You sure it's not just that no one takes the transparent desperate bait some random psychopath ( We should INVITE new members to Bastard Factory ) uses to obtain information and photos of matter how much you spam it?

And when I say "no one" I actually mean no one... not just people in my head like when you try to speak for a whole forum that is actively roasting you lolz. D List ( We should INVITE new members to Bastard Factory ) Flynn. Always trying to get spank bank material from posters and their kids.

Actually it's "empiracle."

Do you get only one day out of the week to visit your nasty children?

Are you jonesing so hard for pictures of minors because you are stuck home on a house arrest tether and cant rub your nub at the local playground anymore?

Honest question.

This coming from the self admitted drug addict.

Which should tell you how obvious your whole failed phishing attempt for minors to sexually harass is.

Its fucking gross a legit child predator comes to forums and desperately begs and tries to manipulate parents into giving out info and photos of their kids. should just concentrate on staying off the opiates and going to your parenting classes, moron.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Still butthurt you can't prove you have your children?

only someone as dumb as you think she actually needs to

Captain Midget to the rescue again. Okay, "millionaire."

Rescue from what? Another spam fest rage tantrum from some rando meth addled loser from the innerweb?

It's kinda sad how hard you try to pretend everyone isnt just pointing and laughing at your dumb, perpetually outraged ass. Such denial lol.

No one cares what you post or believe, you are just funny and easy to fuck with on occasion. It doesn't take much to flick you off the edge and people with morbid senses of humor dig doing it.

So you gonna start the party back up by begging for pictures or info on other peoples minor children again or are you gonna cut right to wishing families die in fires?

Or are you gonna give the c/p a rest and try a new trick? (Ahahaha try a new trick lol meth ain't cheap)

How "empiracle" is that?

Well. I can clearly tell you still don't have custody of your children. Maybe you should kill them with your own hand. Maybe feed them some fentynyl? Next time you visit them.
Does that mean the young lady I spoke to on the phone not to long ago who asked me to tell my sons hi on her behalf was a figment of my imagination?

Can you rephrase that without the tears?
simple English too difficult for you?

No. Just your monkey babbling.
So which word presented the biggest challenge for your remaining brain cells? Was it ""figment"" ? be honest

The fact you still allege you're a millionaire on a fringe forum.
Does that bother you?

Why would it "bother" me. I think it's hilarious that you would feel the need to lie on a forum.

And we think it's hilarious that you have mElTdOwN rage fits about people lying on the internet.

Hey dove.

I been kinda saving this one for a special occasion like a bottle of good wine... but did you know I can fly?

No kidding. I've reached about 8,000ft by simply spreading my arms and running really fast.

Did you know that I'm not even a human?

I'm actually a giant squirrel.

Not surprising. You're about as dumb as one. At least "squirrels" don't lose custody of their brood.

So you rape baby squirrels?


Stay off the drugs. Or you might never get custody of your ugly kids.

You are really fucking dumb.

Right. Because I'm the one going around asking people if they "rape baby squirrels."



Site Supporter
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.

Well, now. This doesn't sound like the big fat mouthed ghetto whore, who once had animalistic magnetism with Sum Cun't. It sounds like one giant Puerto Rican rolled up snot rag crying about some petty shit she can't control.

Let me fill you in on some facts you already know you latin flavored pig. The forums aren't here to play Chris Hansen, nor are they here to police people who've clearly got under all that blubber you call "skin." There is no John Walsh coming to unhook that giant rusty harpoon still stuck in that thingy, you call an "ass."

The forums are...well just that, forums. If you don't approve or like some of the things posted, well you already know what you can with your all of a sudden can eat your words like a 12 pound bag of Doritos, which in your case would take you less than one (American) football quarter to polish off.

You need to slap the fuck out of that stupid motherfucker that has you in taco smelling knots. Or you can tuck tale and run the fuck home to the projects. This retarded ass OP is about as silly as people thinking "they" can have relations off this "forum" and think it won't implode in their acne ridden faces.

Now, as far as poster's go, you aren't my favorite, but you don't make me want to vomit up some of my period, then swallow it back down in slow motion. You're not the worst. Though the thing about you that just annoys the holy living fuck out of me is your penchant for turning a forum into a fucking circus. Whether it be an e-relationship that went sour faster than your relationship with leather face. And/Or a poster posting some slop that you can't put your stamp of approval on because it offends you so. Or/And some ding-dong jack booting your bean bag looking arse while you cry the fuck about it, as your roast beef colored pussy spits out tears made entirely from your current yeast infection. I mean, sometimes I think you manufacture drama just so you can bitch and moan, just to "bitch and moan."

Look. I'm not trying to bust your woman sack. Just buck up and fight fire with fire you silly cunt. You let that brain dead fucktard Breakfall, who couldn't even win a game of checkers against himself get you in a tail spin. I've known you forever and I've never seen you cower to anyone, let alone on the level that the single celled organism known as Breakfall is on. Do you realize how fucking pathetic Breakfall is? This is a fucking real life clown that posted pictures of his alleged genitals. Who the the fuck does this? I mean what could be so very wrong with someone that they need to post their privates for a bunch of strangers? For fuck sakes, this guys "flames" consist of " No Yuo" and how he owns this forum. Simply pathetic. If you let this little point headed toothless gimp run you off, next Dovey will be claiming that she still has custody of her children and how I'm on "meth" all the while being the so-called reformed junkie. See how this ride goes? Dovey will then lament on how evil I am because I stated, it would be nice if her and her brood were to perish in a fire. Flynn is so evil!!!!! It's almost "empiracle" to a point. Liken it to wrestling, you can't win them all, but you can certainly take your beat down like a fucking woman you weak minded gorilla.

Bish, you’re late asf. I’ve been reading that marbled-dick faggot for filth every damn day. So bad, he’s threatening to murder my children. And I did it without having to drag kids in the mix.

can’t wait for the owner to put up the shoutbox tho. I’m so looking forward to Dragging that bitch made pussy in real time.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.

Well, now. This doesn't sound like the big fat mouthed ghetto whore, who once had animalistic magnetism with Sum Cun't. It sounds like one giant Puerto Rican rolled up snot rag crying about some petty shit she can't control.

Let me fill you in on some facts you already know you latin flavored pig. The forums aren't here to play Chris Hansen, nor are they here to police people who've clearly got under all that blubber you call "skin." There is no John Walsh coming to unhook that giant rusty harpoon still stuck in that thingy, you call an "ass."

The forums are...well just that, forums. If you don't approve or like some of the things posted, well you already know what you can with your all of a sudden can eat your words like a 12 pound bag of Doritos, which in your case would take you less than one (American) football quarter to polish off.

You need to slap the fuck out of that stupid motherfucker that has you in taco smelling knots. Or you can tuck tale and run the fuck home to the projects. This retarded ass OP is about as silly as people thinking "they" can have relations off this "forum" and think it won't implode in their acne ridden faces.

Now, as far as poster's go, you aren't my favorite, but you don't make me want to vomit up some of my period, then swallow it back down in slow motion. You're not the worst. Though the thing about you that just annoys the holy living fuck out of me is your penchant for turning a forum into a fucking circus. Whether it be an e-relationship that went sour faster than your relationship with leather face. And/Or a poster posting some slop that you can't put your stamp of approval on because it offends you so. Or/And some ding-dong jack booting your bean bag looking arse while you cry the fuck about it, as your roast beef colored pussy spits out tears made entirely from your current yeast infection. I mean, sometimes I think you manufacture drama just so you can bitch and moan, just to "bitch and moan."

Look. I'm not trying to bust your woman sack. Just buck up and fight fire with fire you silly cunt. You let that brain dead fucktard Breakfall, who couldn't even win a game of checkers against himself get you in a tail spin. I've known you forever and I've never seen you cower to anyone, let alone on the level that the single celled organism known as Breakfall is on. Do you realize how fucking pathetic Breakfall is? This is a fucking real life clown that posted pictures of his alleged genitals. Who the the fuck does this? I mean what could be so very wrong with someone that they need to post their privates for a bunch of strangers? For fuck sakes, this guys "flames" consist of " No Yuo" and how he owns this forum. Simply pathetic. If you let this little point headed toothless gimp run you off, next Dovey will be claiming that she still has custody of her children and how I'm on "meth" all the while being the so-called reformed junkie. See how this ride goes? Dovey will then lament on how evil I am because I stated, it would be nice if her and her brood were to perish in a fire. Flynn is so evil!!!!! It's almost "empiracle" to a point. Liken it to wrestling, you can't win them all, but you can certainly take your beat down like a fucking woman you weak minded gorilla.

Bish, you’re late asf. I’ve been reading that marbled-dick faggot for filth every damn day. So bad, he’s threatening to murder my children. And I did it without having to drag kids in the mix.

can’t wait for the owner to put up the shoutbox tho. I’m so looking forward to Dragging that bitch made pussy in real time.
Shut your mexicunt cunt! Lolololol



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
you are on meth tho

You're no taller than a shoe box tho
but I'm not on meth

but I'm not a mentally ill midget, tho

Really? How tall are you?

Taller than you and Tatu.

So you're a mentally ill giant... cool talk!

See this the shit I'm talking about. This is why you're a fucking joke, Freud. You shit out these clueless non-sequitor comments that only validate how fucking stupid you really are.

You can't even pretend to be a woman right, even with a digital voice modulator.

Uber loser.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.’re in no position to be talking about drugs fivehead! And I’m posting anything hood...mine happens to be vulva hood. Post hood or GTFO!
You can’t suck dis...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Breakfall, you can give me all the negative ratings you want. It still will not change the fucking fact that I can crumple you up on my whim and then slam dunk your stupid ass into any waste bin I choose.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Breakfall, you can give me all the negative ratings you want. It still will not change the fucking fact that I can crumple you up on my whim and then slam dunk your stupid ass into any waste bin I choose.
I haven’t the time really nor the patience with the likes of you. You’re only here because of your misery and failure as a person. Meth will do that to you...boohooo xx


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.’re in no position to be talking about drugs fivehead! And I’m posting anything hood...mine happens to be vulva hood. Post hood or GTFO!
You can’t suck dis...

Oh gee! Any fucking excuse to post something with a dick in it.

How surprising!


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.’re in no position to be talking about drugs fivehead! And I’m posting anything hood...mine happens to be vulva hood. Post hood or GTFO!
You can’t suck dis...

Oh gee! Any fucking excuse to post something with a dick in it.

How surprising!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Breakfall, you can give me all the negative ratings you want. It still will not change the fucking fact that I can crumple you up on my whim and then slam dunk your stupid ass into any waste bin I choose.
I haven’t the time really nor the patience with the likes of you. You’re only here because of your misery and failure as a person. Meth will do that to you...boohooo xx

Is that what you're trying to make your tiny reptilian mind believe? Seriously, kid. I can come here any time I want and turn your loser world upside fucking down and like everyone the fuck else, you can't do shit about it because you're not smart enough and you don't have the pedigree needed to be in the 1%.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.’re in no position to be talking about drugs fivehead! And I’m posting anything hood...mine happens to be vulva hood. Post hood or GTFO!
You can’t suck dis...

Oh gee! Any fucking excuse to post something with a dick in it.

How surprising!

That's what I thought. More multimedia instead of brain power.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
@Flynn ...those are modified titanium balls baby! The bottom two are 8mm in diameter designed to stimulate the clit and surrounds. The upper ball is 12mm and designed to tickle the cervix and vagina. Yeah! Wooooh! My titanium love triangle babe-beeeeee! But not for come with da rancid I’m sure!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I can’t be around men that act like women. The hood calls that bitch-ass-iness. Men jumping into bitch fights and gossiping worse than an old lady - no puedo, ese.
Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, stick your piglet toe through the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Die good ya cunt!

And then there's this stupid fucker. Watch out everyone! If Flea doesn't die in the avalanche of spam Breakfall produces as he tries to annoy her to death, he'll demand that she be banned or he's leaving for the 112th time and will never come back.

Jesus fucking Christ! I take a vacation from this shit hole and the fucking brain dead patients are running the asylum. Look at you Breakfall. Running around here trying to string half sentences together as you try to pick on women. What happen? Does your pussy dry up when you can't pick on men? Because most of the "guys" here would slap the taste out of your filthy cock sucking mouth. Unfortunately, most of the "guys" around here subscribe to your cave man act and are too weak to call you out in regard to your degrading of the opposite sex. You and your kind are the weakest of cowards. Too afraid to act like this in real life and has to come on the forums just to act like a tough guy.

You're not funny nor are you ever amusing. Reading your drivel is akin to watching 2 old naked people doing the 69. You think that talking about pussies and dicks is humor. You think flaming someone about their genitals 19,834 times is funnay. Hey retard. Some of us don't want to talk about "genitals" 24/7.

Find some new material you attention seeking nerd.

Still need that dick lick tho
and you did promise ... remember, I picked the left tooth gap to fuck .

You're another boring ass sod, who should be lined up against the wall to take 1000 consecutive cumshots from Biggie Fail to your left eye.
You’re so repetitive and redundant Fivehead. Just go to your other forum and reflect on your shitty attitude. I’ll post you some cash for some much needed dentistry if you promise not to spend it all on meth?


Did the jackoff who just alluded to me as "five head" for the millionth time just call me, "repetitive?"

Did the fucktard who graffitis the forum with cock and cunt mpegs on a fucking hourly basis just accuse me of being, "redundant?"

You're joking right, little man? Clearly this is another one of your owning thy self episodes, where you paint yourself in a fucking corner trying to act smart, just like that ignorant druggie, Dovey.

Fucking nimrod.’re in no position to be talking about drugs fivehead! And I’m posting anything hood...mine happens to be vulva hood. Post hood or GTFO!
You can’t suck dis...

Oh gee! Any fucking excuse to post something with a dick in it.

How surprising!

That's what I thought. More multimedia instead of brain power.
I want to keep you, what do you want in return? Site supporter?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Breakfall, you can give me all the negative ratings you want. It still will not change the fucking fact that I can crumple you up on my whim and then slam dunk your stupid ass into any waste bin I choose.

is he negging you too? That’s all he does...neg, cry and get his ass dog walked by bitches.