Welcome... RAVEN

The Countess

Hood with it
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Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.


Domestically feral
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United states

The Countess

Hood with it
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Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

Shamp didnt whine and cry and tag BF.

So you could "over attack" him freely.


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.

Yup. I pointed out your hypocrisy and even admitted I made a mistake. You bugged and bitched and moaned more than anyone at SG, so I was in shock that you couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Sitting there acting like you didn’t drive us fucking nuts with your demands.


Domestically feral
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United states
Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.

You rage texted harrassed her while she was offline over some idiotic and meaningless bullshit that happened on forum a few years ago. THAT is what "started all the shit" between the two of you.

See always the victim. It's never you who starts the problem. You are just a victim of all these bullys. :OhthDrama:

Oak is the kind of person who would take a shit on your living room floor and tell you why it's your fault and say she was "holding you accountable".

And then blame you for "starting" the shit between the two of you because you were mad and disgusted that she shit on your floor.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.

You rage texted harrassed her while she was offline over some idiotic and meaningless bullshit that happened on forum a few years ago. THAT is what "started all the shit" between the two of you.

See always the victim. It's never you who starts the problem. You are just a victim of all these bullys. :OhthDrama:

Oak is the kind of person who take a shit on your living room floor and tell you why it's your fault and say she was "holding you accountable".
In her defense she was having a difficult time with this new life changing promotion she just got and bringing up her past meltdown over Lotus being promoted to Mod (which was just a troll) was simply too great an embarrassment given the importance of her role here


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.

You rage texted harrassed her while she was offline over some idiotic and meaningless bullshit that happened on forum a few years ago. THAT is what "started all the shit" between the two of you.

See always the victim. It's never you who starts the problem. You are just a victim of all these bullys. :OhthDrama:

Oak is the kind of person who take a shit on your living room floor and tell you why it's your fault and say she was "holding you accountable".
In her defense she was having a difficult time with this new life changing promotion she just got and bringing up her past meltdown over Lotus being promoted to Mod (which was just a troll) was simply too great an embarrassment given the importance of her role here

I did see that.

Have you noticed a common theme with the cluster b cluster where they sometimes accidently admit they view other posters as people who are influenced and manipulated one way or another instead of autonomous individuals who form their own thoughts?

Whatever image they think they have crafted for themselves to manipulate other people? They think that works.

That just gives Oak a pass in her mind if she cam say Flea "added to the bullshit" so it was somehow okay and reasonable for her to go full throttle psycho right through normal boundaries.

These are people who think they get to say or do whatever they want as long as they twist something into a good enough excuse they feel gives them permission. Like using families. Using private convos. Text raging. Reaching out to people who left.

Same sort of garbage people will lie nonstop about other people as well while accusing others of being liars and self righteous about that. It's like onion layers of endless hypocrisy and projection.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Look, I told you your new mod was panel abusing. I DID pm you.

Did you fix it or ask me to sacrifice another person to he panel abused so it was "fair"? You kinda blew it off. I'm just sayin.

I meant it.. find me a LIb to sacrifice to balance it out if you feel we only dropped cons in there and made a lib a mod'.. and what I meant is NO libs were doing anything... we took the shit talkers

Im being dramatic? How many times have you said the words "panel abuse" on both boards over the last week? When Flynn, can only sticky and move threads?

She moved your thread. It was wrong, I agreee.. I said something.. she apologized, she also learned from it, but.. a few people started to leave and she felt bad, opposite affect of why she came.. and took the bow.

Im just getting to know lily. Time will tell, but shes bought in and she can tell you what she thinks so far... she will be fair and balanced with this con lib thing.. its a mess w the fighting and someone needs to be there.

She will slow w the @BastardFactory

Im liking that shes an underdog.. I always like the dogs

I dont think you understand what the issue was.

It had absolutely NOTHING to do with "libs" and "cons".

It has to do with the fact that Flynn shares a brain with Poofer and these people have a serious personal ax to grind with me that they cannot stop being offended by. It comes from a real life drama I had with Poofer. And Flynn is very pissed off that I have sex with humans and he is left fingering helpless dogs.

It wasnt about politcs. Flynn went to the politcal board and drug my politcal thread to meltdown. For no reason. Do you want politcal threads in meltdown? No. Yet Flynn.....for no reason except he wants my attention, grabbed my politcal thread out of politcs and put it in meltdown so he could rub his raw and neglected man clit on it.

He didn't even want to be a mod anymore when I left.

Him and Poofer do the whole "we will make the forum bettet" routine everywhere. Its not new.

I'm just sayin.

And you are completely wrong about Oak. And you'll see that for yourself just like everyone else that thought this same shit. She is already unfair in her claims that the "problems" are the posters she personally doesnt like. You'll see.

Shes not an underdog. Everyone used to like her. There is a reason we dont.


Okay so. Let me get this straight. All this stems from your relationship with The Poofer? How about we take a trip down memory lane? It was YOU that blabbed the intimate details about your relationship with Martini is where everyone gets the ammo to use against you. I could care less what you do on your offline time but when you bring it into the forums like you did every single day over at SG playing the victim all the while spouting off about his cat and his dirty bathroom...etc...then hanging a Nintendo Switch over a toilet bowl, well of course I'm not going to let you forget that as you made it perfectly clear on Flea's forum that you thought this was very important for everyone to know. Soooo very important that you even wasted law enforcements time when you actually called them about The Poofer. I believe you acted the same way you are now when they told you to take a hike. Additionally, didn't you get fired from a job because you took photographs of bowel movements of vulnerable adults in your care and sent them to the Poofer?

The only "ax I have to grind" is that for 8 straight months all the posters on SG had to read your slop about the "relationship" between yourself and Martini. You wanted everyone to know, so what's the problem with me bringing it up highlighting how you also took money from him as you did with Biggie Fool?

As for your thread, you might have a valid argument there IF I hadn't have moved other threads and posts as well. This must mean I have an "ax to grind" with UncleMiLF, The Iron Dink, 360, Sir Super Southern, Admin, Aryan, you, Lokmar and a plethora of others? I must be jealous of all of them as well for "having sex with humans," right?

This is how utterly deluded you are when you say, "I didn't want to be a mod when you left." First off, you never really left. Two, me leaving had to do with the overall forum, not just one person. Three, you accused me of trying to harvest your I.P. addy to do terrible things because allegedly I've done this in some alternate universe to you. Four, myself has never aligned with the Poofer stating "we will make this forum better." Show me a post before I became a "mod" where I ever stated that. If anything I was anti establishment. Surely, in all my posts you can pull up one instance of this. See a pattern here, Dove? Yep, you guessed it, you playing the victim card...again, what a surprise. You mistake me calling you out on your blatant hypocrisy as something other than what it is. Which is typical as you try to spin it into something that benefits you.

So, when you "ran" to TBC and if I'm that infatuated with you, why didn't I follow and start "flaming" you there? I have an account there. Even Lily has been over there. Tell me if what you say is true then why didn't I pick up and leave here after allegedly "not wanting to be a mod after you left?" Isn't the most logical conclusion that I would have followed? I don't have a ban on sight target on my head there.

Now it's "I want your attention" is why I moved your threads? So I guess I also wanted "attention" from ALL those other posters as well because I moved their threads and posts too, right? You see how your story doesn't make any sense? Just absolutely batshit crazy. The pathetic part about it is you really believe this. See how this circles around again where it's the poor Dovey routine in full effect? You'll say anything, no matter how fucking absurd to try and play the innocent victim of some terrible online predator.

Then, this is the kicker...Lily hasn't done anything to you as a mod and you're here trying, begging BF to demod her just because she sees you for what you really are, a piece of fucking shit. You have no reason for Lily to get demodded except for the simple fact that you don't like her. That's it. You're a pathetic human, if we can still call you that at this point. You sound a little upset that your delusions aren't being taken seriously. I wonder why that is?

That was a beauty of a:


It's good to see the only person that read that shit manifesto enjoyed it :LOL3:

Does my vagina hurt, Oak? Did that rambling delusional nutso shit hurt me in vag?

No. But you're rotten labia still does I bet.

I'm not a doctor or anything but....

Wouldnt that be like.....the same thing?

You're talking about the Vulva. And correct, you're the farthest thing from being college educated.

So only doctors are college educated?

Derpy derpy doo?

We know you aren't college educated, more like dick and labia educated.

You show this everyday.

I'm glad that my extensive knowledge of genitals shines through here.

Makes it all worth my while.

Don't forget how you also like sharing them with other posters...for a price.

I did explain to Poofer that women do not urinate from their clitorus.

So you are big mad and a panel abuser because you believe someone on the board has sex for money? That's the nucleus of your whole personality injury?

Why don't you ask why I moved your thread for the 14th time? It's better than lying about me being "injured" by anything you did or said.



Damn. I dragged poor Shampain for filth over his modding.

I hope your getting your money’s worth, BF

What modding mistake have I made? Point it out.

Who said you made any? BF assboxed Raven for dragging you. I dragged Shampain way worse. Do you get it now?

You’re a shitty mod, mistakes or not. Eat that

You have the right to your opinion. Just like an asshole everyone has one.

You started ALL this shit between us by talking shit, you fucking moron.

You rage texted harrassed her while she was offline over some idiotic and meaningless bullshit that happened on forum a few years ago. THAT is what "started all the shit" between the two of you.

See always the victim. It's never you who starts the problem. You are just a victim of all these bullys. :OhthDrama:

Oak is the kind of person who take a shit on your living room floor and tell you why it's your fault and say she was "holding you accountable".
In her defense she was having a difficult time with this new life changing promotion she just got and bringing up her past meltdown over Lotus being promoted to Mod (which was just a troll) was simply too great an embarrassment given the importance of her role here

I did see that.

Have you noticed a common theme with the cluster b cluster where they sometimes accidently admit they view other posters as people who are influenced and manipulated one way or another instead of autonomous individuals who form their own thoughts?

Whatever image they think they have crafted for themselves to manipulate other people? They think that works.

That just gives Oak a pass in her mind if she cam say Flea "added to the bullshit" so it was somehow okay and reasonable for her to go full throttle psycho right through normal boundaries.

These are people who think they get to say or do whatever they want as long as they twist something into a good enough excuse they feel gives them permission. Like using families. Using private convos. Text raging. Reaching out to people who left.

Same sort of garbage people will lie nonstop about other people as well while accusing others of being liars and self righteous about that. It's like onion layers of endless hypocrisy and projection.
Poark never ever shuts up. It's horrible to spend so much time dealing with such minutiae. But trying to drag some off board individuals back into this seems to be a new low even for the leaker...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is one of those threads that makes me stop and say to myself, "Lotus, stop! Why are you reading this crap? Stop wasting your day! There's a real world out there! Close the damn laptop!"

Tchau tchau. I'm out. And most of youse are asleep right now. :GiggleBitch:


Factory Bastard
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Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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Whatever happened to all these mouthy women? This is what happens when women are single, and aren’t captain check by their man.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I HAVE NEVER TALKED BAD ABOUT YOU OR GRIMM... EVER!! Even gave credit to Flynn for doing a great job at modding and apologizing to Dovey. Grimm has always been one of my favorites here and I've always been loyal to you.. YES, I talked shit about Lily in MELTDOWN. If you are going to change the rules in meltdown, where you can't call someone a name, you should have given me a warning, BF. I've always been one to follow your rules. I just want this to end, really.. Too much drama. I guess I'm not someone you want posting here, obviously.
lol you ugly lesbian! ✌️


Factory Bastard
Nowhere specific
lol you ugly lesbian! ✌️
She would fuck you up and than dance the night away. I seen her in battle.. took on 3 dudes with knives and she was the one left standing. She even cut out their tongues to put on the bbq for the 4th of July celebration. You wouldn't stand a chance in combat or everything intellectual


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
She would fuck you up and than dance the night away. I seen her in battle.. took on 3 dudes with knives and she was the one left standing. She even cut out their tongues to put on the bbq for the 4th of July celebration. You wouldn't stand a chance in combat or everything intellectual
I don’t hurt women…but Im more murderous than any cunt on this forum cream-cheeks!


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
@Alticus told me he was going to dig up your dead mom, swing it like a bat all over your body, fuck her in front of you, and shout "Who's your Daddy?" as he fucks you with a chainsaw as a shark is raping your daughter in the ass with a harpoon
No Alticus didn't. lol

Alticus likes Breakfall when he's not sauced.