Well this is awesome


Domestically feral
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United states
"Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high | Reuters"
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I think I heard we have about 25 days of reserves left so he’s giving it to everyone but us and when we have an actual emergency it won’t be there for us.

The master plan.


Factory Bastard
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US refineries can't refine it anyway as they are at 97% capacity. Since 2020 five refineries have shut down, Biden shut down four of them, just last month Biden refused to allow the refinery in the U.S. Virgin Islands to reopen because Dems want sky high gas prices "to fight climate change". Biden said he would shutdown oil drilling and do everything he could to kill domestic production and refining. He said that dozens of times during the 2020 primaries yet now Dems want to lie and pretend that some how isn't their fault for doing what they said they would do.

It is all bull shit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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"Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high | Reuters"
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I think I heard we have about 25 days of reserves left so he’s giving it to everyone but us and when we have an actual emergency it won’t be there for us.

The master plan.
But Trump grabbed the steering wheel tho!!!!


Factory Bastard
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Michael Shellenberger (a pretty far left but not lunytoons politician who recently ran for California governor) has covered this topic extremely well on both Twitter and his sub stack page.


Domestically feral
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United states
"Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high | Reuters"
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I think I heard we have about 25 days of reserves left so he’s giving it to everyone but us and when we have an actual emergency it won’t be there for us.

The master plan.
But Trump grabbed the steering wheel tho!!!!

Ghoulish truly!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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"Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high | Reuters"
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I think I heard we have about 25 days of reserves left so he’s giving it to everyone but us and when we have an actual emergency it won’t be there for us.

The master plan.
But Trump grabbed the steering wheel tho!!!!

Ghoulish truly!
Disconnected from the realities experienced by the people they claim to care about

black lives matter tho.....

fuckheads... as if smoking weed, looking for romantic interests in a crowd of fellow losers and putting your fist in the fucking air while these fucking creeps burn down black neighborhoods & promote polices that drive minorities further into poverty absolves you of being a world class racist fucking hypocrite

The cognitive dissonance with these vermin filthoids is truly fucking astounding and alarming


Domestically feral
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United states
"Oil from U.S. reserves sent overseas as gasoline prices stay high | Reuters"
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I think I heard we have about 25 days of reserves left so he’s giving it to everyone but us and when we have an actual emergency it won’t be there for us.

The master plan.
But Trump grabbed the steering wheel tho!!!!

Ghoulish truly!
Disconnected from the realities experienced by the people they claim to care about

black lives matter tho.....

fuckheads... as if smoking weed, looking for romantic interests in a crowd of fellow losers and putting your fist in the fucking air while these fucking creeps burn down black neighborhoods & promote polices that drive minorities further into poverty absolves you of being a world class racist fucking hypocrite

The cognitive dissonance with these vermin filthoids is truly fucking astounding and alarming


"Empathy: College students don’t have as much as they used to | University of Michigan News"
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"In a related but separate analysis, Konrath found that nationally representative samples of Americans see changes in other people’s kindness and helpfulness over a similar time period.

“Many people see the current group of college students?sometimes called ‘Generation Me’?as one of the most self-centered, narcissistic, competitive, confident and individualistic in recent history,” said Konrath, who is also affiliated with the University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry.

“It’s not surprising that this growing emphasis on the self is accompanied by a corresponding devaluation of others,” O’Brien said.

Why is empathy declining among young adults?

Konrath and O’Brien suggest there could be several reasons, which they hope to explore in future research.

“The increase in exposure to media during this time period could be one factor,” Konrath said. “Compared to 30 years ago, the average American now is exposed to three times as much nonwork-related information. In terms of media content, this generation of college students grew up with video games, and a growing body of research, including work done by my colleagues at Michigan, is establishing that exposure to violent media numbs people to the pain of others.”"

I've noticed these people do not see themselves clearly.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Disconnected from the realities experienced by the people they claim to care about

black lives matter tho.....

fuckheads... as if smoking weed, looking for romantic interests in a crowd of fellow losers and putting your fist in the fucking air while these fucking creeps burn down black neighborhoods & promote polices that drive minorities further into poverty absolves you of being a world class racist fucking hypocrite

The cognitive dissonance with these vermin filthoids is truly fucking astounding and alarming

I think this was the plan all along

I mean, if you wanted to get rid of so many people without sinking the world into war, this is the best way

Leftards have been brainwashed so badly, all their "leaders" need to do now is say that they need to do is die to save the planet.

Of course, they'll try to take as many with them as possible, like the maggot from Chicago.

But I suspect there's going to be a reaction pretty soon.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Disconnected from the realities experienced by the people they claim to care about

black lives matter tho.....

fuckheads... as if smoking weed, looking for romantic interests in a crowd of fellow losers and putting your fist in the fucking air while these fucking creeps burn down black neighborhoods & promote polices that drive minorities further into poverty absolves you of being a world class racist fucking hypocrite

The cognitive dissonance with these vermin filthoids is truly fucking astounding and alarming

I think this was the plan all along

I mean, if you wanted to get rid of so many people without sinking the world into war, this is the best way

Leftards have been brainwashed so badly, all their "leaders" need to do now is say that they need to do is die to save the planet.

Of course, they'll try to take as many with them as possible, like the maggot from Chicago.

But I suspect there's going to be a reaction pretty soon.
I truly believe these monsters are under the influence of the devil himself


Factory Bastard
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I imagine every day before going to bed Biden thinks "Can you believe they're allowing me to fuck up everything so easily?"

I honestly think that is Biden's job and why the Democrats elites rigged the Democrats primaries for him. Everyone knows and knew then that Joe was not long for this world, he has dementia and was never getting better. He even said that if he has health issues he'd just resign during the primaries and then Pelosi changed the national Presidential succession laws right after that. So How's job is to do all of the really unpopular things which Dems want to shove through but know it would destroy their careers if they did.

Joe takes the blame for all the evil shit since he is dying anyway and the rest of the corrupt dems elites get to pretend they never supported it and it was just Joe's fault. But they supported it and wanted it the whole time. Yes, it is intentional.


Factory Bastard
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Oh, I made a thread here about Biden empting our strategic reserves yet still strangling domestic production intentionally. It is around this forum some where.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh, I made a thread here about Biden tempting our strategic reserves yet still strangling domestic production intentionally. It is around this forum some where.

Sorry I didnt see that. Otherwise I'd have posted this in your thread.

I dont really like starting threads.....I like to yap up other peoples lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I imagine every day before going to bed Biden thinks "Can you believe they're allowing me to fuck up everything so easily?"

I honestly think that is Biden's job and why the Democrats elites rigged the Democrats primaries for him. Everyone knows and knew then that Joe was not long for this world, he has dementia and was never getting better. He even said that if he has health issues he'd just resign during the primaries and then Pelosi changed the national Presidential succession laws right after that. So How's job is to do all of the really unpopular things which Dems want to shove through but know it would destroy their careers if they did.

Joe takes the blame for all the evil shit since he is dying anyway and the rest of the corrupt dems elites get to pretend they never supported it and it was just Joe's fault. But they supported it and wanted it the whole time. Yes, it is intentional.

Interestingly while Rove says Biden is unfit for office, he also likes him