WoW ! - Bigly Banned


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Hi Fashionista/Biggie.

No. We actually won. The Biggie Idiot handle is gone for good.

I wouldn't be surprised if they let Bigly Stupid user their login credentials.

@Bastard Factory I wouldn't trust them not to lend him their account.

Yeah. Myself and Martini were thinking that. There were a couple times today Shen posted just like Biggie. I mean it could be coincidental but like you said, I wouldn't put it past them as butthurt as they are right now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Oh, that's meaningful coming from a Bigly Stupid kiss ass.
it was a valiant effort though, suck up.

Does Flynn reward you with cookies or lil debbies?

Hi Bigly Stupid.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Oh, that's meaningful coming from a Bigly Stupid kiss ass.
it was a valiant effort though, suck up.

Does Flynn reward you with cookies or lil debbies?

Yet, we're not the minion coming to another forum and doing thy bidding for your masters over at TBC.

Hi Fashionista/Biggie!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Oh, that's meaningful coming from a Bigly Stupid kiss ass.
it was a valiant effort though, suck up.

Does Flynn reward you with cookies or lil debbies?

Yet, we're not the minion coming to another forum and doing thy bidding for your masters over at TBC.

Hi Fashionista/Biggie!!!

It's Bigly Stupid himself.

How funny. So desperate and weak.

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Hi Fashionista/Biggie.

No. We actually won. The Biggie Idiot handle is gone for good.
Did he make you feel that frightened?

Are you coping better now?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Hi Fashionista/Biggie.

No. We actually won. The Biggie Idiot handle is gone for good.
Did he make you feel that frightened?

Are you coping better now?

Are you asking if I like the fact that his spamming ass is gone? Hell yes!!!

How you doing Fashionista/Biggie?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

Funny pic of Mongtini.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
sent photos of my photoshop creations pinned on coffins
LoLz - when I'm dead if my coffin needs adorning beyond my corpse gracing it (finely attired), it will be done by a talented person, an actual artist, not some photochop poser.

Good grief, Thank gods I have but 4 posts remaining in this sorry jernt.

The irony being he really did only have four posts left in him. Then the axe got him.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

He actually doesn't contribute to anything but fighting.
Does anyone else see the irony of lily saying this and at the same time sucking up to Flynn?

Where's the Irony? It's RARE that Bigly Stupid posted on anything besides politics or meltdown?

Show me how much he contributed to other topics. I'll wait.
Show me how much Flynn contributes to other topics

or did that relevant point fly at a comfortable 20,000 above your head?

Flynn has always been a creature of meltdown. Flynn has never pretended otherwise. There are several posters in that category.

However, all Bigly Stupid ever posted was that admin sucked was in thousands of posts. The owner was fed up. I didn't make the decision, but it's clear that he is a worthless poster.

Nothing sails past me, especially petty people that try to troll people that don't even know she exists.
You lost.

Oh, that's meaningful coming from a Bigly Stupid kiss ass.
it was a valiant effort though, suck up.

Does Flynn reward you with cookies or lil debbies?

Not Tilapia like your prize.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tilapia can be ok but it has to be from clean water and feed decent feed. It is not my top pick though. There is a ton of 2rd world tilapia raised in virtual sewage or backyard hydroponic setup tilapia raised in their own crap water.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I agree wild caught blue gill can also be good especially pan fried in bread crumbs. A bit small and the rib bones need to be removed though. As a kid I just used the small crappie or blue gill I caught as strip bait. Especially when on the Colorado River where you can get a 30lb striped bass using strip bait.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Compared to salt water fish, there is little comparison, except for Trout.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It depends on how it is seasoned and cooked. Hell, even Asian carp can taste good if deboned and properly prepared. A local Chinese restaurant does it especially well with chili oil, turmic, garlic, and who knows what other spices. It is served in a thick stock and is excellent over rice.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Bastard factory said he ran all of Biggies posts through some software program and of his 36,000 posts, 35,000 of them were about admin sucking cock.

Not sure that is accurate but I guess that is why he got banned.

That's A LOT of cock.

He really makes me proud. ♡


Factory Bastard
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It depends on how it is seasoned and cooked. Hell, even Asian carp can taste good if deboned and properly prepared. A local Chinese restaurant does it especially well with chili oil, turmic, garlic, and who knows what other spices. It is served in a thick stock and is excellent over rice.

Caught 3 over 40 pounds last Saturday, released another 4. I prefer it raw.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
sent photos of my photoshop creations pinned on coffins
LoLz - when I'm dead if my coffin needs adorning beyond my corpse gracing it (finely attired), it will be done by a talented person, an actual artist, not some photochop poser.

Good grief, Thank gods I have but 4 posts remaining in this sorry jernt.

The irony being he really did only have four posts left in him. Then the axe got him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
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It depends on how it is seasoned and cooked. Hell, even Asian carp can taste good if deboned and properly prepared. A local Chinese restaurant does it especially well with chili oil, turmic, garlic, and who knows what other spices. It is served in a thick stock and is excellent over rice.

Caught 3 over 40 pounds last Saturday, released another 4. I prefer it raw.

We are having a good bluefin catch right now in San Diego.