
Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
lol at your rebranding comment and you thinking this will swell pews.

God laid down the laws. The clergy class are expected to uphold Gods laws, not make them up to go along with the latest trends.

There is only one side when you are a Christian. God's side.

If this is true, then it makes sense why the trans are trying to merge with organized religion.

I’m just calling it out like I see it. I still make no excuses for supporting the LGBTQ+ community with their quest for equality.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
lol at your rebranding comment and you thinking this will swell pews.

God laid down the laws. The clergy class are expected to uphold Gods laws, not make them up to go along with the latest trends.

There is only one side when you are a Christian. God's side.


How DARE people have their own values. Everything has to have gender ideology shoved into it. Everything.

And if you fail to convert, you are the asshole.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
By "always" do you mean since the late 1950's?

Well there is a whole host of biblical conflicts to be had with the RC. The very existence of a pope is one of them.

I'm very uncomfortable with the whole "vicor of Christ" and "apostolic line of Peter" thing. And the praying to dead humans.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Our civilization is dying. Hell, in Portland the other day a homeless drug vagrant, high out of his mind, attacked a 78 year old at a light rail station chewing off his ear and part of his face. The wounds were so severe the elderly victim's skull was visible.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Our civilization is dying. Hell, in Portland the other day a homeless drug vagrant, high out of his mind, attacked a 78 year old at a light rail station chewing off his ear and part of his face. The wounds were so severe the elderly victim's skull was visible.

There is a Twitter page called WTFPortland that gets daily submissions because it's so fucked there.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If this is true, then it makes sense why the trans are trying to merge with organized religion.

I’m just calling it out like I see it. I still make no excuses for supporting the LGBTQ+ community with their quest for equality.

Everyone in our society has equality already.... including the UK.

Ministers of religion can be married or single as is instructed in the Bible they represent but not have sex changes. They no longer qualify to teach but they naturally have a right to sit in a pew for religious instruction when services are on.

If he does keep teaching after having a sex change, then Christians should not let that person preach to them and they should leave the session. The trans minister doesn't speak with authority from God anymore.

That is the truth for you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well there is a whole host of biblical conflicts to be had with the RC. The very existence of a pope is one of them.

I'm very uncomfortable with the whole "vicor of Christ" and "apostolic line of Peter" thing. And the praying to dead humans.

Well the high priest like a Pope represents Moses BROTHER Aaron...

But what is your understanding of it...?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Our civilization is dying. Hell, in Portland the other day a homeless drug vagrant, high out of his mind, attacked a 78 year old at a light rail station chewing off his ear and part of his face. The wounds were so severe the elderly victim's skull was visible.

Better get those high maximum security asylum buildings erected again...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
OK, this has got to be the finale.... a disgusting thing standing in the holy place.... @Dove

English society must be in bad shape these days if things have gone this far.

That’s why I choose to worship Nature instead of Christianity @Dove & @Omnipotent.

Cuz at least in Nature you know such people are abominations & do not exist in a natural state. Men are men & biological women are women and you can’t make up lies like that. There are certain immutable Natural laws which can never be disproved nor changed if you a Naturist or believe in Nature above all else.

Anyway Dove you wonder why so many are leaving todays Christianity & worshiping something else there’s your answer
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
English society must be in bad shape these days if things have gone this far.

That’s why I choose to worship Nature instead of Christianity @Dove & @Omnipotent.

Cuz at least in Nature you know such people are abominations & do not exist in a natural state. Men are men & biological women are women and you can’t make up lies like that.

Anyway Dove you wonder why so many are leaving todays Christianity & worshiping something else there’s your answer just claimed to believe the teachings of Christianity while saying you worship created things instead of the Creator.

Where do you think nature comes from? The source of life? Male and female?

I dont wonder why people leave the church. The bible actually goes into that. Not everyone sitting in a church is following after Christ. Unless you are there for the purpose of following Christ? You shouldnt bother. It's not a club or a hobby.

People either believe the gospel and put their faith and trust in the Lord or they dont. It's not the job of a church to manipulate people to fill pews with a bunch of unredeemed people who there to serve their own flesh and ego.

If the bride and body of Christ only had 10 genuine be it.

God saves who God saves, Joe. Christianity is far more than weekly church attendance. It's the functioning body of Christ on earth.

I look to the hands and life force of the nature you worship. Without God, none of that would exist. Nor would you. And these lies bother you because you bear the image of God. Its Gods natural law.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Biggest contradiction of Christianity is this image of a pauper Christ born in a barn teaching his humble followers under a tree and now the head of the Catholic Church wears robes and hat laced with gold. So he’s not a messenger of Christ. The pope is a king. Christ was supposedly born among the animals in a natural setting and yet his supposed messengers are products of an artificial environment

I guess it’s akin to the image of Abraham Lincoln born poor in a log cabin and becoming President of the USA. But of course now only wealthy individuals or connections to the elite can do that where the presidency in America has become a rich man’s game and doesn’t represent the people anymore. Hence We The People is meaningless

That’s where modern Christianity has become similarly corrupt
If it doesn’t stand for what it used to may as well worship Nature instead @Dove
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
English society must be in bad shape these days if things have gone this far.

That’s why I choose to worship Nature instead of Christianity @Dove & @Omnipotent.

Cuz at least in Nature you know such people are abominations & do not exist in a natural state. Men are men & biological women are women and you can’t make up lies like that. There are certain immutable Natural laws which can never be disproved nor changed if you a Naturist or believe in Nature above all else.

Anyway Dove you wonder why so many are leaving todays Christianity & worshiping something else there’s your answer

Revelations, God warns true Christians to "get out of her (Babylon the Great) my peeople if you do not want to share in her sins." Gods people aren't necessarily in churches.

God is angry the people who claim they represent him but don't.... And that is Christendom for ya!!!

what you are doing is worshipping the creation, not the Creator..... I know where you are coming from.... Don't worry, God reads your heart....;)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Revelations, God warns true Christians to "get out of her (Babylon the Great) my peeople if you do not want to share in her sins." Gods people aren't necessarily in churches.

God is angry the people who claim they represent him but don't.... And that is Christendom for ya!!!

what you are doing is worshipping the creation, not the Creator..... I know where you are coming from.... Don't worry, God reads your heart....;)
The most flagrant violation of Nature and is much of what constitutes Modern science. Modern science is essentially an updated version of Social Darwinism on steroids that one day threatens to destroy us. When men decide they want to play God they unleash destructive forces because they go against the laws which Nature intended. Ie the Pandemic started in a lab by a virus created by man and was released upon the world killing millions.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
OK, this has got to be the finale.... a disgusting thing standing in the holy place.... @Dove

God…I could only listen to 10 seconds of that precise faggot. First the rock spiders hiding behind the church, now this “non-binary” ugly prick trying to give his two cents worth. I absolutely detest it when someone refers to a bloke as “she” or “her”.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The most flagrant violation of Nature and is much of what constitutes Modern science. Modern science is essentially an updated version of Social Darwinism on steroids that one day threatens to destroy us. When men decide they want to play God they unleash destructive forces because they go against the laws which Nature intended. Ie the Pandemic started in a lab by a virus created by man and was released upon the world killing millions.

Well I am still waiting for God to hurry and fix things like he promised... And if or when I die, I don't want to know about it. I am still really upset the JWS changed the wording in my favourite scripture...1 Samual 16:7


1 Samuel 16:7

King James Version

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart

God sees your heart so nobody can you have a good heart or a bad one?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God…I could only listen to 10 seconds of that precise faggot. First the rock spiders hiding behind the church, now this “non-binary” ugly prick trying to give his two cents worth. I absolutely detest it when someone refers to a bloke as “she” or “her”.

No, listen until the tart on the right starts screaming like a Banshee.... it is worth it....
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
English society must be in bad shape these days if things have gone this far.

That’s why I choose to worship Nature instead of Christianity @Dove & @Omnipotent.

Cuz at least in Nature you know such people are abominations & do not exist in a natural state. Men are men & biological women are women and you can’t make up lies like that. There are certain immutable Natural laws which can never be disproved nor changed if you a Naturist or believe in Nature above all else.

Anyway Dove you wonder why so many are leaving todays Christianity & worshiping something else there’s your answer
Not far from you, sir


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This is actually so funny... It is like that guy dropped 10 tonne of Kryptonite on them..

They absolutely spazzed out.
He’s got about a dozen similar videos if you visit his channel. All of them are equally funny and informative

The one where the cops arrested him had me kinda ticked though


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He’s got about a dozen similar videos if you visit his channel. All of them are equally funny and informative

The one where the cops arrested him had me kinda ticked though

They don't know the Bible because they stayed drinking the milk and never went on to eating the solid food.... And with that I mean, they never went past God loves you and forgives you..... onto the hard stuff like throwing off your old (bad) personality and putting on a new one.... not so easy to do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They don't know the Bible because they stayed drinking the milk and never went on to eating the solid food.... And with that I mean, they never went past God loves you and forgives you..... onto the hard stuff like throwing off your old (bad) personality and putting on a new one.... not so easy to do.
God forbid you should ask them how God loves and yet still managed to administer the great flood or the hail of fire on Sodom. They simply believe what they want to believe even if it is not believable


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Biggest contradiction of Christianity is this image of a pauper Christ born in a barn teaching his humble followers under a tree and now the head of the Catholic Church wears robes and hat laced with gold. So he’s not a messenger of Christ. The pope is a king. Christ was supposedly born among the animals in a natural setting and yet his supposed messengers are products of an artificial environment

I guess it’s akin to the image of Abraham Lincoln born poor in a log cabin and becoming President of the USA. But of course now only wealthy individuals or connections to the elite can do that where the presidency in America has become a rich man’s game and doesn’t represent the people anymore. Hence We The People is meaningless

That’s where modern Christianity has become similarly corrupt
If it doesn’t stand for what it used to may as well worship Nature instead @Dove

Okay so your issues are with Catholism. And many many Christians have issues with Catholism.......hence why the Reformation happened.

It absolutely stands for everything it has always stood for. I'm certainly not Catholic. I've never been to a "mass". I was baptized a willing and believing adult by a reformed preacher.

And I'm not gonna worship a dying and cursed created being when I know the one who made it all, Joe.

Jesus walked the earth as God in flesh. You should take some time to really contemplate on who and what God is. We cannot even fully grasp who and what God is. It would be like teaching algebra to an ant....or trying to fit the ocean in a water glass.

If you think nature is beautiful and awe inspiring, you should deeply think about the mind it all came from and the force it all exists through. Your thinking here is too temporal and material. Understanding God as much as we can and understanding the gospel will help put the church into the proper context.

And seeing people engaging in false teachings, unredeemed "religious" people in wont be a surprise because you'll better understand how broken humanity truly is.

If you are going to worship nature, you should know it's under the curse of sin and death and it groans and cries out to God. All those natural laws didnt write themselves, Joe. Nature all testifies God

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" -Romans 1:20

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands”
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard" -Ps. 19:1-3.

You dont wanna get twisted up the other way into paganism. All that is the same stuff worshipping the same demonic entities (probably fallen angels) and eventually it demands you start using blood magic. Degrading sex acts. Eating feces. The "nature worship" religions are designed to attract and seduce humans into it and slowly lead them into satanism.

Which we can see pretty clearly today as pagaism/witch craft became pretty popular in the 90s and now we have full blown satanism in the mainstream and shit like this OP. It's not love of nature like it appears on the surface. It's a deep hatred of God and as such....a deep hatred of His creation.

Spend some time breaking free of however you've been programmed to think of God and ruminate on a Being who is the very source of life, beauty, vast and beyond us we cannot fully conceptualize Him. Nature doesn't want out worship, Joe. We were placed here to be stewards. All of nature obeys God. Its humanities fault its cursed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Everyone in our society has equality already.... including the UK.

Ministers of religion can be married or single as is instructed in the Bible they represent but not have sex changes. They no longer qualify to teach but they naturally have a right to sit in a pew for religious instruction when services are on.

If he does keep teaching after having a sex change, then Christians should not let that person preach to them and they should leave the session. The trans minister doesn't speak with authority from God anymore.

That is the truth for you.

Shes a brainless twit who is acting AGAINST homosexual and womens rights.

Just a braindead whore of the patriarchy. The wrong side of history. A fucking traitor.

Not shocking.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
would one of the smarter libtards around here so seem to know so much about virtually everything. Theology included.

Care to explain why - a priest who's doctrine calls for personal celibacy needs to change from any sex to any sex?

Isn't remaining asexual the entire point?

Or is there some big reveal hidden somewhere on a piece of parchment a first century christian used to wipe his ass which indicates otherwise?

Blurt? Care to indulge a bit of theological theatrics here?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
would one of the smarter libtards around here so seem to know so much about virtually everything. Theology included.

Care to explain why - a priest who's doctrine calls for personal celibacy needs to change from any sex to any sex?

Isn't remaining asexual the entire point?

Or is there some big reveal hidden somewhere on a piece of parchment a first century christian used to wipe his ass which indicates otherwise?

Blurt? Care to indulge a bit of theological theatrics here?

Well Murd feels they need to rebrand to stay relevant.

So basically we are being drug way backwards by drooling tards who think its progress.

The most interesting part is the same homosexuals and Christains who are now supporting eachother against ...this.