Who are you here for?


Factory Bastard
I am here walking a well worn path of paradoxical terra-incognito.

I am here for Lily and V, I am here to gently rock the cradle of humanity from the land to the sea, I am here to hear all of your anemic confessions, brighter than the whitest ivory and as entertainingly weak as a kitten based meme.

I am oft left wondering why Catholicism has so very many saints, for I was born into an austere vocal Calvinism. Especially as St.Jude must comprehensively trump them all. A saint who alleviated the burden of an impossible cause. I see clearly that praying for the enviable status of one-upmanship can only surely lead to the inevitability of a sinking ship, holed beneath its botherline.

Are we merely left to explore the wreck of our own legacy of failure?

There was a time when someone upset you enough to claim blame, and plant a red or green flag on hatred. Hate on these boards makes little sense, it only proffers a value that you cannot find in reality.

It can only give you respite for a passing passive moment, the rest of the time you are left wiff your own thoughts.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
1. Cool to see who’s hating who?
2. makes it easier to poop @ 8:00.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I am here walking a well worn path of paradoxical terra-incognito.

I am here for Lily and V, I am here to gently rock the cradle of humanity from the land to the sea, I am here to hear all of your anemic confessions, brighter than the whitest ivory and as entertainingly weak as a kitten based meme.

I am oft left wondering why Catholicism has so very many saints, for I was born into an austere vocal Calvinism. Especially as St.Jude must comprehensively trump them all. A saint who alleviated the burden of an impossible cause. I see clearly that praying for the enviable status of one-upmanship can only surely lead to the inevitability of a sinking ship, holed beneath its botherline.

Are we merely left to explore the wreck of our own legacy of failure?

There was a time when someone upset you enough to claim blame, and plant a red or green flag on hatred. Hate on these boards makes little sense, it only proffers a value that you cannot find in reality.

It can only give you respite for a passing passive moment, the rest of the time you are left wiff your own thoughts.

I don't hate. I dislike.

It's insane, and manipulative, to expect anyone, myself in this case, to respond to toxicity with a smile as if I were an idiot.

I respond to the energy that I receive. No one is required to like me. I have no childish expectations of others. Clearly, I don't try to curry favor so that they do. The reason for this I simple, I realized long ago that I don't like everyone either. Logic dictates that they have the same right to not find me to be their cup of tea. I am comfortable in my reality.

What is not okay is to take constant abusive shots from others because they don't agree with me. When that happens, a line is crossed. I will strike back.

The part that I would find amusing, if it wasn't so damn pathetic, is the victim role they take when I do come back at them.

I have a Nazi wannabe hater that hates me simply because I found his support of genocide appalling. I said so and earned a hater since. I have responded to his hate with the same energy that I got from him.

I have a hater that came at me when I didn't even know who she was. I still really don't, but perhaps she's an angry drunk and decided I needed to know she doesn't like me. I have accepted that her feelings about me. Meh, she's free to feel her feelings. She's not free to be disrespectful and expect unicorn rainbow farts in return.

If you come at me with bullshit, I will categorically reject it.

If you call me a lib shitstain, do not get perturbed when I tell you to go fuck yourself. Your expectation of being treated with respect is unreasonable and child-like.

Be a dick, you will be treated like a dick.

Exchange discussion points like an adult and you will be treated as such.

But my haters aren't here for that. They are here in some pretense. Still not quite sure what you people are pretending to do here.

I think most people are like @Alticus and simply want to socialize a bit. Shoot the shit, so to speak. I am on Alticus' wavelength. After this many years online, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to come here to seek antagonistic exchanges.

Do what you choose to do. I won't even try to convince anyone otherwise. Just don't expect me to kow-tow to you. Ask yourself who you think you really are to ask that of anyone.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't hate. I dislike.

It's insane, and manipulative, to expect anyone, myself in this case, to respond to toxicity with a smile as if I were an idiot.

I respond to the energy that I receive. No one is required to like me. I have no childish expectations of others. Clearly, I don't try to curry favor so that they do. The reason for this I simple, I realized long ago that I don't like everyone either. Logic dictates that they have the same right to not find me to be their cup of tea. I am comfortable in my reality.

What is not okay is to take constant abusive shots from others because they don't agree with me. When that happens, a line is crossed. I will strike back.

The part that I would find amusing, if it wasn't so damn pathetic, is the victim role they take when I do come back at them.

I have a Nazi wannabe hater that hates me simply because I found his support of genocide appalling. I said so and earned a hater since. I have responded to his hate with the same energy that I got from him.

I have a hater that came at me when I didn't even know who she was. I still really don't, but perhaps she's an angry drunk and decided I needed to know she doesn't like me. I have accepted that her feelings about me. Meh, she's free to feel her feelings. She's not free to be disrespectful and expect unicorn rainbow farts in return.

If you come at me with bullshit, I will categorically reject it.

If you call me a lib shitstain, do not get perturbed when I tell you to go fuck yourself. Your expectation of being treated with respect is unreasonable and child-like.

Be a dick, you will be treated like a dick.

Exchange discussion points like an adult and you will be treated as such.

But my haters aren't here for that. They are here in some pretense. Still not quite sure what you people are pretending to do here.

I think most people are like @Alticus and simply want to socialize a bit. Shoot the shit, so to speak. I am on Alticus' wavelength. After this many years online, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to come here to seek antagonistic exchanges.

Do what you choose to do. I won't even try to convince anyone otherwise. Just don't expect me to kow-tow to you. Ask yourself who you think you really are to ask that of anyone.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

What the hell...I just don't get the passion they put into hating me. I am truly not worthy of so much free space in their heads.

Maybe someday they will figure it out.

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” - Carl Jung

I've been thinking on this quote. I have made some tweaks my life. I had a great weekend celebrating personal endeavors and family.

I was introduced on Saturday at any event to new and old members of the group with "And this is, as most of you know, marvelous 'Lily'". I was surprised and embarrassed, but I am learning to take a compliment. I was moved to see myself through the eyes of a young 30 something year old psychologist . Someone who has seen me in person, heard me speak, exchanged pleasantries with...

That's the real world. And it is a far better place.

It's too bad we don't take the opportunity to do the same online.
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
His "creativity" makes him do it. His next creative endeavor will to call us fat and stupid. I am so envious of his talent.


He is a herd follower and they lack the ability to self-reflect…

It’s pure deflection on his part and proves my theory this man is toxic AF in RL.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He is a herd follower and they lack the ability to self-reflect…

It’s pure deflection on his part and proves my theory this man is toxic AF in RL.

Everything about his posting style, the braggadocio, his mania, his toxicity screams "insecure".

We all can have insecurities, and probably do, but he is special in the level of dork he displays.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You know - it could be that thing I said before, elsewhere.....:


...I meant trolls.


Not my zoo, not my monkeys. He, and they, can spend all their time building a case about how much of a terrible person I am.

I find that revealing. They need to hold up a mirror. As it's said, it takes two to tango. And most everyone's dance card is full at BF. There are very few wallflowers on this forum.